How would you feel about a Sanders/Trump ticket?


Well-Known Member
I'm going through an emotional thing right now. I try to not make decisions on anger and right now I'm angry as fuck. Will be giving Bernie a hard second look. Screw my taxes. I would hate note voting, but now I'm like damn.
That's exactly how I'm feeling right now.



Well-Known Member
I'm going through an emotional thing right now. I try to not make decisions on anger and right now I'm angry as fuck. Will be giving Bernie a hard second look. Screw my taxes. I would hate not voting, but now I'm like damn.
Really? Your convictions were so deeply rooted that it took a 14 1/2 minute video to change??? That is sarcasm if ya missed it.

Seriously, if you are now questioning hillary clinton you should question the majority of your opinions because it seems that propaganda drives your thinking.

Or your eyes were just seriously opened to the Clinton political machine. They stand for nothing but their own political ambition.


Well-Known Member
Really? Your convictions were so deeply rooted that it took a 14 1/2 minute video to change??? That is sarcasm if ya missed it.

Seriously, if you are now questioning hillary clinton you should question the majority of your opinions because it seems that propaganda drives your thinking.

Or your eyes were just seriously opened to the Clinton political machine. They stand for nothing but their own political ambition.
How long should it take? Only took seconds to realize I'd never vote for Trump.


Well-Known Member
Really? Your convictions were so deeply rooted that it took a 14 1/2 minute video to change??? That is sarcasm if ya missed it.

Seriously, if you are now questioning hillary clinton you should question the majority of your opinions because it seems that propaganda drives your thinking.

Or your eyes were just seriously opened to the Clinton political machine. They stand for nothing but their own political ambition.
I have an open mind. I realize that my argument was based on my selfishness to not want my taxes raised. I saw words come out of Clintons mouth that I either forgot or did not realize. I'm a bigger man to understand when I may have been wrong. I have no problem with this. Don't get it twisted I still think the Republican party is not for me, but I should really look at Bernie again and not just me wanting to be "right" affect my decisions. I suggest you try this one day.


Well-Known Member
I have an open mind. I realize that my argument was based on my selfishness to not want my taxes raised. I saw words come out of Clintons mouth that I either forgot or did not realize. I'm a bigger man to understand when I may have been wrong. I have no problem with this. Don't get it twisted I still think the Republican party is not for me, but I should really look at Bernie again and not just me wanting to be "right" affect my decisions. I suggest you try this one day.
So all I have to do is go dig up a 15 minute video on Bernie and you are voting for Trump right? LOL!!!

Arent all out political decisions based on selfishness? What we are trying to keep or get?


Well-Known Member
So all I have to do is go dig up a 15 minute video on Bernie and you are voting for Trump right? LOL!!!

Arent all out political decisions based on selfishness? What we are trying to keep or get?
No. That's not how it works. I already know how fucked it could be with Trump. I was acting blind with Hillary on issues I care about. You do realize my change still puts me and you on different sides.


Well-Known Member
No. That's not how it works. I already know how fucked it could be with Trump. I was acting blind with Hillary on issues I care about. You do realize my change still puts me and you on different sides.
I am not on either side. I am an individual.


Well-Known Member
No. By what you say lets me know we are on different sides. Hell you think PP sells body parts. I don't. Different sides
Planned parenthood gets money for handing baby parts over to another institution.

If you are caught in a drug deal and you explain to the officers that you were simply donating the product to the buyer and he was only reimbursing you for shipping and handling and therefore there was no buying or selling going on, what is going to happen next?


Well-Known Member
Keep looking, that video is just a very small part of her history made to show her racial bias. She has been involved in so much shady shit over the years I can't believe she is even allowed to run. Although I had to laugh at the "who do you want to answer that 3am call" bit.
Actually I didn't laugh, I cussed out loud and both dogs looked up at me like "what did I do?!"

She basically has the same dynamic going as Trump, a large portion of of voters will simply not vote for her because of who she is and what she has done, and many will vote against her regardless of political party. Trump has the same thing going, he's making democrats as fast as she is making republicans.
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
you are political. You just don't admit it
While I do think some politicians are douchier than others, that doesn't mean I default to endorsing the less douchy.

So, no I'm not political in the sense that I believe a particular party or a particular person foisted under threat of force on people is the answer.

I discuss politics, but perhaps you've seem a theme in most of my posts, which is politics is just the act of warring gangs wrestling for the gun / control of other people. I reject that theme and the means used as having validity, it's also inconsistent with my view of morality.



Well-Known Member
Planned parenthood gets money for handing baby parts over to another institution.

If you are caught in a drug deal and you explain to the officers that you were simply donating the product to the buyer and he was only reimbursing you for shipping and handling and therefore there was no buying or selling going on, what is going to happen next?
see, you are the result of too much fox news. you are a braindead zombie who is too affected by the propaganda to even start to think for yourself.

you are a loser in every single way.