How would you run a country?


Well-Known Member
Ahhh, all the other nations in the region are immune to WA sanctions/proposals as long as I'm not the Regional Delegate which you have turned off. Since it doesn't appear to be a problem, I'd like to stay in and dabble around in the international politics... with your approval ;)


Ahhh, all the other nations in the region are immune to WA sanctions/proposals as long as I'm not the Regional Delegate which you have turned off. Since it doesn't appear to be a problem, I'd like to stay in and dabble around in the international politics... with your approval ;)

have at it as a nation... but stonertopia will (hopefully) not be awash in all of the WA bs... I would like our nations to make their own decisions and not be influenced by the NWO:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
have at it as a nation... but stonertopia will (hopefully) not be awash in all of the WA bs... I would like our nations to make their own decisions and not be influenced by the NWO:mrgreen:
LOL you know me! bongsmilie:peace:

Our nations will be sparred and I can resign at anytime from the Assembly.


Well-Known Member
have at it as a nation... but stonertopia will (hopefully) not be awash in all of the WA bs... I would like our nations to make their own decisions and not be influenced by the NWO:mrgreen:
I agree, what happens if the WA makes weed illegal, My country's currencey will be worth shit HAHAHA. But still, for now I think Stonertopia is better off without WA influence.


I agree, what happens if the WA makes weed illegal, My country's currencey will be worth shit HAHAHA. But still, for now I think Stonertopia is better off without WA influence.

agreed.... and good point... what if the WA made weed illegal?? our regions 3 (so far) currencies are "seeds" "dimebags" and "hashpennies".... we would be screwed...:cry:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Barter system,not monetary,all drugs legal for any over 21.Everyone would vote on how certain things were for laws....if you steal, you have to work for that person for so many hours until you've worked off the value of the stolen item.Or you can give the item back,plus another of equal value. Rape,child molestation=instant death if found guilty by dna evidence.Murder is a case by case basis, sometimes there are instances where it is self defense.If there is a dispute that people can't resolve on their own, they can elect to have an impartial panel try to mediate for them.Hemp and weed based products would probably be our major exports, barring any mineral or precious metal deposits...Our military would consist of our citizens who volunteered to protect our country, if needed.Our motto would be to live and let live,as long as you harm noone else.Well, that's a start,anyway....


Well-Known Member
Im also a WA delegate, how do you join together? lol, there was me suggesting it! Ive read the faq and the gameplay forum but still cant suss it out...doh!


Well-Known Member
sussed it finally!!!!! Moved to Stonertopia, are we going for none WA influence then? If so I need to resign from it, let me know.


Well-Known Member
Actually Im a WA member, happy to be our delegate though...Soc is the other member who could be the delegate.


sussed it finally!!!!! Moved to Stonertopia, are we going for none WA influence then? If so I need to resign from it, let me know.

you can stay in... I just dont want the region to have a regional delegate... b/c as i understand it, that would effect every nation in the region....


Well-Known Member
you can stay in... I just dont want the region to have a regional delegate... b/c as i understand it, that would effect every nation in the region....

This is correct, as long as there is no regional delegate, only the independent WA allied nation will be affected by any resolutions... this is getting to be fun, if weed becomes illegal, I will resign.

This resolution passed, although I voted NAY... pretty much a global FDA bill, but passed 3 to 1.

Description: OBSERVING the poor or irregular quality control in the food and drug industries of many nations

BELIEVING that such poor quality assurance in business endangers the consumer’s health and living standard

SEEKING to establish a firm system of quality control and standards in these industries and eliminate unsanitary and unethical food production


REQUIRES member-states to regularly inspect their quality control facilities in order to ensure that they are performing to the established international standards

DEMANDS that all food and drug products produced in member states must undergo safety and quality screening before being released to the consumer market

CREATES the World Assembly Food and Drug Regulatory Agency (WAFDRA)

CHARGES the WAFDRA with the responsibility to ensure that the food and drug regulatory agencies of member-states are performing satisfactorily; also to gradually implement reforms to the quality regulation authorities of member-states

MANDATES that such reforms shall include:
(A)The creation of a quality grade system by which all food and drug products shall receive a grade marking their relative level of quality and safety

(B)The establishment of forfeits for any businesses that attempt to evade safety standards upon their products; the nature and degree of such forfeits being left at the discretion of the WAFDRA and the establishment of appropriate legal consequences should any quality control facilities be found to be failing in their duty to assure the quality of the products they are charged with inspecting

(C)The creation of a team of WAFDRA inspectors who shall visit product inspection facilities on an annual basis or earlier upon the request of the committee in order to determine if they are still performing adequately to the standards of the WAFDRA

(D)The creation of an overall international standard to which all inspection facilities in member-states shall be measured against; also the creation of international standards by which to measure the safety of food and drug products

ASSERTS that in nations where there is no system of quality control the WAFDRA shall work with the national government to eventually establish such agencies

EMPOWERS the WAFDRA order the closure of any food and drug regulatory facilities that are found to repeatedly fail to succeed in ensuring the quality of the products being inspected; the closure shall be carried out by national law-enforcement

ORDERS that food and drug products being sold must bear upon them a label certified by the WAFDRA which clearly displays the quality grade that the product has been given by national quality-inspection facilities

NOTES that producers and vendors of de minimis quantities of food and drugs shall be exempt from the above clauses so long as they post visible notice at their place of sales that they are not operating under international standards
Votes For: 3,178
Votes Against: 1,864
Implemented: Sat Sep 26 2009


Well-Known Member
The member of stonertopia with the same flag as woomeister is my other half if any one is wondering, she decided to use her real name unfortunately and I would prefer if it were not mentioned on here... So no Q.s like who is ******? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
The member of stonertopia with the same flag as woomeister is my other half if any one is wondering, she decided to use her real name unfortunately and I would prefer if it were not mentioned on here... So no Q.s like who is ******? Thanks.

No worries my friend! I hope others abide by this simple request for privacy.

If not, I'm sure the mods will take care of them, wink wink gogrow... LOL


Well-Known Member
my republic is chocolope, my my motto is "God Speed Jack Herer" and the national animal is the goat. The currency is a joint


The member of stonertopia with the same flag as woomeister is my other half if any one is wondering, she decided to use her real name unfortunately and I would prefer if it were not mentioned on here... So no Q.s like who is ******? Thanks.
No worries my friend! I hope others abide by this simple request for privacy.

If not, I'm sure the mods will take care of them, wink wink gogrow... LOL

I will never mention her name on here.... and will do my best to edit if anyone else does.


Well-Known Member
Location: the South Pacific

Regional Influence: Minnow

The Republic of HASHandWEED is a fledgling, environmentally stunning nation, renowned for its absence of drug laws. Its hard-nosed, intelligent population of 5 million have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.

The large government juggles the competing demands of Education, Social Welfare, and Healthcare. The average income tax rate is 25%, but much higher for the wealthy. A small private sector is dominated by the Uranium Mining industry.

Crime is moderate, and the police force struggles against a lack of funding and a high mortality rate. HASHandWEED's national animal is the stoner fish, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the tokens.