hows this led light?


Well-Known Member
Okay. Here's a metaphor.

Theoretically, you could survive on a single multivitamin a day. That multi vitamin gives you all the just right vitamins, nutrients and minerals to keep you healthy, right? No. In order to stay health and avoid malnourishment you have to eat X calories a day. Without that many, your body won't be able to produce energy to live life. On top of that, the multivitamin costs 5 times what the cost of eating normal food...

LEDs are like the multivitamin. Lumens are like the calories. Your plants need X amount of light. The only way to get enough light is to use a lot of them. The only "successful" LED grow I've seen, the guy used somethin like 1800 watts in a 2'x3 closet, which ended up coming to about $2,500+.

But multivitamins are good on top of normal meals. For a small box or cabinent setup, a DIY LED array is good supplement to some CFLs...