hps light question


Well-Known Member
i'm thinking about getting a hps light system either 250w or 400w since they are the same price at htg supply but i was wondering if u guys could tell on average how much higher does your electricity bill go up for each one?


Well-Known Member
no i mean how much in dollars will my electricity bill go up with a 400hps and how much will it go up with a 250w hps


Well-Known Member
the difference between 250 and 400 on the power bill is negligible.

actually a 400 running 24/0 doesn't even add as much as you'd think to your power bill, maybe 10-15 bucks a month tops depending on your rates.

unless you're running over 1000 watts it's a small difference really.


Well-Known Member
depends on how much you are already paying for electricity and how long your run your lights for. usually its around 10 cents per kilowatt hour. so if your run your lights for 24hours a day, then a 400w light would be about a dollar a day, and a 250w would be 60ish cents a day.


Well-Known Member
in england is expensive.

($0.22 per kilowatt hour) so to run a 400w/fan costs me $0.11c per hour. which on a 18/6 costs $2 a day.

or $56-$65 a month extra on my bill.

then uve got soil/nutes/thermom-humid/molasses/pots/ and all your other bits and bobs.

it aint cheap!