huckelberrymadness cloning training

by huckelberrymadness
apr 10th
smoking da reefer

How to clone marijuana plants

Things you need to clone marijuana plants

#1 Any kind of rooting hormone

#2 Razer blade

#3 Fox farm humidty dome or any kind of dome just as long as it gets humid in it.

#4 Clf lighting i use two fluorescent tubes full spectrum 17 watts

#5 Spray bottle

#6 rockwool

Now all you do is cut a cutting from your plant and shave the top layer of the skin of the stem on the bottom of it. then take your rooting hormone and dip the bottom of your stem in it about a inch up and let it sit there for like 30 seconds then get the rockwool nice and soaked and stick the cutting in it. Put all your cutting in your humidty dome and put your lights over your dome. keep lights on for 24hours intel you know there are roots on the cutting. If you know there are roots on it you should slowly adjust the plant to a dryer climate. o yeah and mist your dome at least 3 times aday
will if you want your leaves to look yellow before it roots then you can just put water in the dome on the bottom tray to make it humid and then once it developes roots it will slowly go back to green leaves but it is better to try to keep the leaves mist.:bigjoint: