Human destruction of the environment


Well-Known Member
We have a thread on climate change which has an obvious human caused element to it. However, there is more to consider that man is doing to destroy the habitability of this planet. All the mining of coal, precious metals, and rare earth minerals are damaging our planet also. I just wanted a place to post examples of human damage to our earth that doesn't necessarily relate to the burning of fossil fuels, but is still having a detrimental effect. The current administration is removing protections for the environment, so stories like the one below should become more prevalent. That is unless they are completely covered up.

I'll start off with this story I read this morning of a terrible environmental catastrophe that will affect the "habitability" of an area in south-central Africa.

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What a bunch of jokers.
Next meeting in a City in Brazil called Belem.
50,000 people, yes, 50,000 to attend a talking shop about climate where nothing ever gets done.
Nothing more than a freebie for people full of their own self importance.
They are cutting down an Eight Mile Stretch of rainforest to build a 4 lane highway to ease traffic to and from the event.
50,000 people, all flying in from all over the world, damaging the environment with their carbon footprint..... while preaching to us about reducing our carbon footprint?
And I'll tell you another thing, I'm sure And certain they Won't be eating seeds, berries and salad to keep their carbon footprint down. It'll be fillet mignon and lobster topped off with cavier for breakfast, lunch and dinner, all washed down with vintage champagne.
They are having a right laugh at our expence.
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.
I wonder why they can't just have zoom call? Lol lol
The Bellends of Belem.
What a bunch of jokers.
Next meeting in a City in Brazil called Belem.
50,000 people, yes, 50,000 to attend a talking shop about climate where nothing ever gets done.
Nothing more than a freebie for people full of their own self importance.
They are cutting down an Eight Mile Stretch of rainforest to build a 4 lane highway to ease traffic to and from the event.
50,000 people, all flying in from all over the world, damaging the environment with their carbon footprint..... while preaching to us about reducing our carbon footprint?
And I'll tell you another thing, I'm sure And certain they Won't be eating seeds, berries and salad to keep their carbon footprint down. It'll be fillet mignon and lobster topped off with cavier for breakfast, lunch and dinner, all washed down with vintage champagne.
They are having a right laugh at our expence.
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.
I wonder why they can't just have zoom call? Lol lol
The Bellends of Belem.
Exactly right just saw this last night and pissed me off, talking about green new lies. Literally killing the "lungs of the world" trees in the rainforest for a meeting that won't get anything done. We are the cleanest country in the world this whole green scam needs to be done by every other countries that are screwing the environment,not us. We do everything and Russia and China and the rest with dirty plants, buildings all that climate change is from them. We can do everything and do but has no impact because we are the only country besides a few others that care enough so enough with this scam.