Humidity Dome


is it worth putting a HD around my newly planted seedling? my gorw box has 0% humidity i notice some farmers putting a plastic bag over the cup.

Joos Springsteen

Well-Known Member
I would say yes. I neglected to put a dome over my seedlings last month and it seems they suffered due to the low humidity around the leaves. A few appear stunted and others exhibited considerable leaf shredding.

A further point, I believe that seedlings with an undeveloped root system chiefly absorb necessary amounts of water through their leaves, making it very important to maintain an environment with a high relative humidity.

Misting is another option.

Joos Springsteen

Well-Known Member
Well, you can just water your soil and place a dome over the cup and that will trap moisture or you can mist your plant a couple times a day. Misting is usually done with clones because they have no roots whatsoever and you should be careful if you're misting under an HID because the water droplets can focus the lights and cause burns on your plant's leaves.

I think domes with watered soil would be your best bet, but feel free to do a little research.


wow thanks dude! +rep
yeah ive been misting my baby everyday! wich i hear is bad not to soke the soil but it feels so damn dry!!! and only hafter a few hours! i duno! i am using 2 100w clfs atm. oh and another thing, i herd NOT to mist while the lights are on? they might explode? lol is this true? anyhow, i named it "sally", and Sally is in the dome as of 8pm tonight.. see what happens tomorrow i guess!


Active Member
Naw the light wont explode while misting your plants.I used to mist my plants with the lights,and I'm using cfls also.


Well-Known Member
No. If the seedling is growing dont cover it up, this will kill it. Just make sure its in nice soil with enough lighting and air temps at approx 80.


Well-Known Member
I got a little herb kit from Home Depot. It has 6 tiny little pots and a little plastic case that they all go in and it has a lid on it. I watered my freshly planted seeds and put them in there. Didn't over water, kept the temps at around 75ish and all the seeds got white mold/fungus in the soil on the bottom. All the seedlings ended up dying.

My first set of seeds, I just planted and put the pots in the plastic tray with out the top, and put that on top of a small heating pad and they grew fine.


^ And this is why a dome for seedlings typically is not a good idea. Relative humidity really shouldn't be over 70% with seedlings, and as low as 20-30% is more than likely fine so long as the medium stays moist. I can't really say much for extremely low humidity because I don't live in the desert or anything; but excess humidity can certainly lead to bad fungal infection (damping off, pythium). With that in mind if you are going to use a dome don't keep it sealed completely; try not to have it over 60 or 70% within the dome. Basically you don't want to mist it all the time and leave the dome on with no ventilation and moisture constantly dripping on the inside of the dome.


Well-Known Member
With my seedlings I didn't mist them or anything, I just watered them as usual and left the lid on. Maybe it had some sort of fungal or mold spores on it when I planted them, although I don't know how that would have happened, but this is just my personal experience.