Humidity or Nutrient problem?


Well-Known Member
First feeding - where I messed up I think - 5.6 pH - 1.1 EC - 545 ppm
Second feeding ( right before pictures today ) - 6.1 pH - 0.6 EC - 314 ppm

It's supposed to get REALLY humid the next few days and I noticed my tent went from a normal 52-55% to 60-62%. Is the drooping of the leaves because of my over feeding, or because of the humidity, or both?



They look fine. They get droopy after waterings. They should spring up shortly. If not add more info and maybe someone can help


Well-Known Member
They were like that before the watering is what I was getting at and does high humidity do that to the plants or is it mainly because of too much nutrients?


Well-Known Member
Every 2 - 3 days, I wait for the soil to get dry then water. I added CalMag first feed. Not the second. Was worried about burn.


Well-Known Member
Over feeding and Coco binding the mg. Lack of oxygen in root zone, look young for feeding bi-daily anyway. Always add mg to coco.

Feed, water, feed.


Well-Known Member
Are you misting them. Don't worry about humidity with seedling they love moisture. I would mist with a mild mix of liquid karma or something similar