Humidity prob (update)


Active Member
ok folks here is an update so far i have an 8ft x4ft tent with very low humidity when the lights are on plants are in veg at the mo ok the plants are under 2 x 600 watt lights tent backs on to a open window have taken the air intake out completly then i have a 6 inch air out on a fan speed controller temps are when lights off 19.5 c and humidity is 44% when lights are on temps are between 27.5 c and 28.9 with humidity at 35% i have tried putting a damp towel hanging in a bucket but this has no effect what so ever air in from open window air out through loft space cant see any air movement probs after checking out everthing within the tent cant find anyhting majorly wrong but i have had this tent for nearly 5 yrs lol and i do think it is the tent that is the prob its done its fair share of work so itss the only thing left am gonna get a new 1 asap any comments much appreciated :lol::lol:bongsmiliebongsmilie