Hydro is NOT a strain...


Well-Known Member
Nicca it's that Droski y'all are stupid for even trippin about the word DRO. why explain its grown in soil or it is lime time good. JUST SAY DRO. Droski means better then reggie.
Dro doesn't mean better, it just mean hydroponically grown. I could get a seed from dirt weed and grow it hydro, then THAT would be DRO. Mmmm, tastes better cuz we call it DRO :razz:
I don't know about the rest of you, but I live in an area where the general population is clueless when it comes to marijuana. I can't count how many times I have heard an idiot refer to any high grade weed as "hydro" or "dro" (even worse) even though they have no idea what medium and/or method it was grown in. I always do my best to correct them politely by saying something along the lines of, "You can't be too sure that it's actually hydro unless you knew it wasn't grown in soil, my friend." to which they usually reply with something along the lines of, "But this is some killer shit, man. That means it's hydro!"

It may not mean much to some of you, but this type of ignorance infuriates the shit out of me and I am normally a pretty laid back guy. The strains I grow (all in soil, mind you) are some of the best I have ever had and when people refer to my weed as hydro it makes me want to puke. I urge you all so correct the uneducated.

Just because it's killer weed and covered in trichomes does NOT mean it's hydro.

Okay, my rant is over. Time to smoke some "soil." (See how stupid that sounds?) :weed:
Hydroponics is a generic name, for basically growing without dirt.. but, look at "Hydroponic Shops", they sell dirt, alot of dirt.

I think the definition as a whole is misleading. It would be better described as "Indoor Shops" as apposed to Hydro shops. You don't know too many people that grow Hydroponics outdoors. I've known it to happen and the results are crazy, but... it's just not what usually happens.

The fact that the industry has called itself "Hydroponics" when, it reality, you can grow Indoors with dirt, with a Hydroponic Ebb and Flow tray, with Hydroponic Nutrients, bought from a Hydroponic Store, may confuse people into thinking it's "Hydro" weed.

It's fucking indoor weed, which arguably can be "better" then outdoor because of the ability to provide "perfect" growing conditions.

Maybe it would be more appropriate to correct them as say, "You mean indoor"?

Did I happen to mention Colossal Bud Blast smells worse then a Sumo Wrestlers sweaty butthole?



people calling good weed dro infuriates me


niether is;
Kind Bud
out door
indo(pisses me the fuck off)

please, never call your weed piff, thats just so stupid. i also hate hearing that people have "Worcester Outdoor", no one grows outdoor in the middle of one of the scummiest, poorest cities in Massachusetts!

people need to be educated before they can sell the herb!

and if one more person tells me they get alaskan thunder fuck, im gonna chop heads, it aint no thunder fuck! its regular good weed, and i aint buyin it for $25g no matter what strain you say it is!
I am originally from mass as well and I have heard all of those "strains" you listed. LOL I laugh at idiots. Piff is the one that pisses me off the most its the wannabe ganster kids who push that shit at outrageously high prices. Glad to be a medical patient in Hawaii now ;)


Active Member
I am originally from mass as well and I have heard all of those "strains" you listed. LOL I laugh at idiots. Piff is the one that pisses me off the most its the wannabe ganster kids who push that shit at outrageously high prices. Glad to be a medical patient in Hawaii now ;)
:clap::clap: yes i agree, the youngsters that try and peddle ditch weed as the best dank around, effin boils my blood. Then i just think of my connect and his Humboldt County Green @ $10/g, then smile, laugh and go about my business merrily

great post!!! keep it going!!