Hydro PC Grow, Lowryder2 (PICS)


Active Member
Here are some shots of my LR2, grown in a diy pc case. For lighting I chose a 70 watt hps and used a deep ice tray to build my dwc res. I have been feeding with advanced nutrients bloom and some liquid compost (contains molasses and some other stuff). To make a long story short, it's about 6-7 weeks into flowering and we brought out the nikon and took some macro shots. All comments welcome, enjoy!




Well-Known Member
Hey LOLsauce
Great to see you got some bud going on. I was a bit worried when you started but you've done great to nurse the plant back to health.
Just a little tip that may help. Looks like maybe there's some nute burn through overfeeding, so make sure her last 2 or 3 waterings are with plain water or you may get a taste of the nutes when you smoke her.
Thanks for the pics.


Active Member
yeah I have noticed the larger fan leaves have been yellowing but the buds and smaller leaves have been dark green, I'm not too worried right now and I only add nutes on mondays because thats when I change the res. I am debating when to flush and if I should feed her tomorrow, most hairs are still white and the trichomes appear to be clear/cloudy I think this will be the last feeding tomorrow before she goes on pure water for the last 2 weeks unless you think 2 weeks is all she needs, then I'll begin the flush tomorrow. Personally I think she'd love the nutes tomorrow, but this is the closest I've ever come to a harvest and woulf prefer not to fuck it up now.


Well-Known Member
Lowryders don't just die at 70 days. I've harvested them at 78, so if you want to do another feed first you should be fine.


Active Member
Word changed the res today, I also stepped down the nutes. I hope waiting to flush doesn't turn out to be a bad idea but it looks like it still has some growing to do and is starting to get really fat. Although I have noticed some of the hairs starting to turn and the trichomes are starting to look frosty.