Hydro setup please comment


New Member
The resivoir temp checked in at 75. Is this too high? The cloning method I ment with experimenting with something new as in new to me was the method listed in the sticky post, not new to the world. So far I thank everyone on here for their comments and advice!


Well-Known Member
My comfort zone ends at 72. Few days above that and my rez won't smell like fresh vegetables anymore. Not that my plants mind a lot, but I'm thinking of eating my roots next harvest bongsmilie

Try to keep it below 70, your plants will thank you for it. Less chance of root probs, better DO. Watch closely and they start cheering around 66.5. 75f rez temp is kind of like 91f environment temp. Won't kill your plants... won't make 'm happy either. Best thing about hydro is control, and that includes rez temp.