Hydropnic grow towers!

You've made a nice job it looks very professional,
I'm curious to know how you got the pot sites recessed with what looks to be an insert?
Well done!
I also found that using PVC with an inside diameter of the net cup looks the best. That way you can insert a small 1.5" piece of pvc in the hole to make it look very clean.

In that youtube video, it look like Kota uses a pvc with a 2" outside diameter, then just puts the cups in like that.
I'm looking at your tower design and plan on incorporating it with a 5 gallon bucket on the back patio for lettuce. I have no doubt it will work. Probably just 2 towers per bucket.
I was considering doing a modified 4 tower design where the center came into a 5 gallon bucket, which the pump then sat. It would just need a lot of silicone to seal it lol