hydroponic growin mediums


Active Member
just wondering sice the growing medium has to have no nutrients,could you use floral marble stones i mean its just 2 hold it in place right it seems 2 be working


Well-Known Member
Hmm, most mediums have some sort of water retention properties. Perlite, Hydroton, vermiculite, Coco. I dont think the floral stones will retain any. Maybe on a constant, top feed system it could work. Let us know if you try it!

Peace - OGH


Active Member
just didnt wanna look like a stupid ass ya know ! they are about 3 inches and they are actually doing great ! just wanted to know what everyone else thought.i built my own bubbleponics with a bottle of soda and a ten gallon air pump and ive never had a plant grow this fast ill post some pics soon