Hydroponic Vs Soil, Shocking


Active Member
i don't know why the pics didn't show , here it is again,,

all said is interesting , and true

i wish i had big place to test properly . like same clone and environment , then it would be a good test , maybe i'll do that soon..

but to me i did few soil grows and now hydro, to me the speed is just amazing which is what am looking for and yield too, you see i do only one plant , if the buds don't taste don't matter to me now, i just want the medicine ,, few pics today from the hydro



New Member
this is getting funny hydro is more up keep as ph can drop dramatically over a span of 12 hrs some one posted its more enviro friendly again wrong prob 90 percent of hydro growers dump there fluids weekly down the toilet which contaminates the water system the other 10 percent prob use it in there gardens
hydro tends to grow quicker under right conditions but also can go south on you just as fast
yields faster not necessarily yield more but yield more frequent but also note hydro grown veggies cannot have grown organically logo's so there is pros and cons
hydro uses synthetic nutrients where soils use organics mulchs composts, and manures big factor here
and finally
there has bin many upgrades into growing mediums for instance COCO which prob would give hydro a serious run for there money
so many factors determining final yield , experience , power used
looking forward to my goal of 1.5 pound per plant here is a pic in soil previous grow was 4 plant 4 pound harvest vegged 41 days
and now my latest try for 1.5 pounds per plant 5 plants presently under 136 watts flourescents going on 9th week of veg another week then 1000's firing up for another 8 weeks giving me 6 foot wide by 6 foot high plant indoor lets see a hydro grow holding root mass like that or even holding a tree up



Well-Known Member
this is getting funny hydro is more up keep as ph can drop dramatically over a span of 12 hrs some one posted its more enviro friendly again wrong prob 90 percent of hydro growers dump there fluids weekly down the toilet which contaminates the water system the other 10 percent prob use it in there gardens
hydro tends to grow quicker under right conditions but also can go south on you just as fast
yields faster not necessarily yield more but yield more frequent but also note hydro grown veggies cannot have grown organically logo's so there is pros and cons
hydro uses synthetic nutrients where soils use organics mulchs composts, and manures big factor here
and finally
there has bin many upgrades into growing mediums for instance COCO which prob would give hydro a serious run for there money
so many factors determining final yield , experience , power used
looking forward to my goal of 1.5 pound per plant here is a pic in soil previous grow was 4 plant 4 pound harvest vegged 41 days
and now my latest try for 1.5 pounds per plant 5 plants presently under 136 watts flourescents going on 9th week of veg another week then 1000's firing up for another 8 weeks giving me 6 foot wide by 6 foot high plant indoor lets see a hydro grow holding root mass like that or even holding a tree up
I understand this is a MJ forum, but stating the above is just foolish.

  1. Explain how hydroponically growing is more up keep COMPARED TO SOIL, The potential for automation and total environmental control is virtually limitless.
  2. What individuals do with thier waste does not make the growing method any less enviornmentally fiendly, 70% - 90% water savings, water is are most precious resource.

Hydro is used everywhere and the benefits are countless:

countries where the climate prohibits or limits growth and where the soil is too poor to support large-scale crop production, hydro is also used in countries, including the USA, where once fertile soil has been so abused and over farmed that it is now depleted or toxic.

Here in Canada, mainly BC, 90% of all the greenhouse industry is hydroponic.

If you do some reading, in his book Hydroponic Food Production, Dr. Howard M. Resh, cites vegetable yield increases that are dramatic; identical cucumber plants produced 7,000 pounds per acre in soil but 28,000 pounds per acre when grown hydroponically and tomato yields that ranged from 5 to 10 tons per acre in soil but 60 to 300 tons per hydroponic acre.

The reported results are typical for practically any plant. Said another way, to produce the total number of tomatoes consumed annually in Canada (400 million pounds) requires 25,000 acres of soil. Hydroponically, it would require only 1,300 acres.

Nice plants, that cola infront of the bucket is f'n great :clap: and like you I too am going for 1lb per plant but hydroponically, in a 4x4 SCRoG. good luck.



New Member
last time i was in Bc i sure saw them peaches growing on that farm :)) even stopped in and bought me some nothing like soil grown also scientists have engineered wheat that doesn't need same amount of water etc be used in dry parts of the world
just look into hydropnic section and you will see lots of issues from algae , pests and disease no different then in soil.Now many of these growers may be novice
weekly flushed in hydro is necesary and to be honest most will dump it down the toilet thats a given where as soils you dump it in a pile add some orange peels carrot, egg shells and in time you got some serious soil yet again for anything
everything has its advantages n dis advantages many buyers of weed will not pay top dollar for hydro style grows you can spot it compared to peat based or organic soils just walk into a store look at the price of organic grown products then look at hydro grown obviously there s a huge difference in price
i am not cutting hydro one bit it has its place


Well-Known Member
Hydro is perfect for the person who lives in an apartment with limited growing space or a person looking to do plant research. The yields are amazing for the small foot print and the waste can be managed. The problem with hydro is there higher upfront costs, higher learning curve, increased complexity in the system, higher chance of virus and disease contamination, extra energy required to run the system, and the challenges with trying to upscale the system. For cannabis growers who only want a small discrete 10'x10' indoor garden, it's probably the best system out there aside from areoponics and aquaponics which imo is just a subset of hydroponics.

Now if your a home owner and you want a small garden in your backyard there are lots of other options besides hydro that will give you great results. If your area is small, go with raised beds, learn to grow vertical using cages and trellises, and use compost and mulches to keep fertilization & water usage down. And for around $40-$60 you can setup a timer and drip irrigation system.

For large farms, raised beds won't do. However, tilling the land destroys the soil, requiring you to inoculate your seeds & soil with fresh applications of beneficial microorganisms, which just adds to the expense and isn't needed if you avoid tilling in the first place.

So instead of tilling and using large amounts of fertilizers, you could instead grow a cover crop like wheat, clover, peas, etc during the winter. Come spring, the cover crop will take over and suppress the weeds. The farmer can then terminate the crop before it goes to seed, compost it, and apply it like a mulch. Since drip irrigation doesn't scale up well, and above ground sprinklers waste water an alternative irrigation system is needed. One possibility is to install rain barrels to capture water and run soaker hoses below your mulch. You could even go so far as to mix water-absorbing polymer crystals or add coconut coir into the soil for additional moisture retention.

Lots of ways to grow, and no one system works in every situation, but its nice to have options. I like organics a lot because of the savings and how its better for the environment. But yes, yield overall isn't as high as genetically modified crops being fed synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. But I'd gladly pay more for organics if only to support those who grow less for the sake of producing a better and much more safer crop.


Well-Known Member
I watched a bunch of green house grow vidieos most of their strains were better in hydro but one strain they had I think it was white widow that did better in soil

Green House Seed Co has good side by side grows of soil vs hydroponics on YouTube. It's pretty establish that indoors in a controlled environment that hydro yields more. But that doesn't mean it's the best. I still prefer organics grown outdoors. Just like I prefer organic almond milk over cowmilk. It's more work which is why it cost more, but the end results are better for the environment and for my own health.


Well-Known Member
organic is the way to go for connuisur weed cause it tastes better you can grow great weed either way but the best growers use organic I would love to see a side by side grow with all the best advanced nutrients to subcools super soil but the real test would be in the finished smoke as long as they were grown in the same conditions and from the same mother plant with clones taken at the same time that will give you the best test I know subcool and soma use organics but barneys farm uses advanced they both produce great weed but wich is better? I think barneys will do better in hydro while soma and subcools seeds wiil be better organically cause thats the way they where breed by the creators


Well-Known Member
i'm og soil.........but hydro is cool as shit. aquaponics is what i want to try. get high and eat fish sandwiches...........


Well-Known Member
hell ya i love tuna fish sandwiches. you should grow some weed call it trout put a bunch of trout in the resivour and youll have a one of a kind fishey strain and when there done cook up the trout and make sandwiches lol


Well-Known Member
nah.......i'll name it...."Tibetan Mindslip" i've been saving that one. it rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? any breeder is welcome to it:)