

Well-Known Member
sweet here i go i have some 3 ft plants in a 3x3 ebb and flo i try to keep the ph at 5.8 to 6.0 and i just boosted the ppm to 1200 and the water is at 66F i am 5 weeks into flower and i am using florabloom nutes and just got some botanicare sweet for a carb blast and i use sea blast for a little nitro but the large fan leaves are turning yellow? my questionn is is it from the 1k hps light that is 1ft away or a nute lock or just the flowering stage?


Well-Known Member
ok i try this again,

1 question to save them all:

say you have a flood table. Using 5x5" sqr containers. Medium=pebbles only.


temp= 70-80F humidity = norms

thank you all and please consider my question.


Uses the Rollitup profile
gvega, the easiest way for you to know the answer is for you to see it. Take a pot and fill it with rocks, and water it. Then wait for a while and dig down in the rocks and take note of the wetness. Wait a while and repeat. You'll find that the rocks will hold some water, and get an idea about how long it takes to dry out.

Chucktown, what is florabloom nutes? If it's the Flora series by GH, then you should be using the Micro too, at least. If it's FloraNova Bloom, I'm finding that it has a need for more N too. What water are you starting with? And what strain are you growing, and how long to maturity? Also, 1 foot is too close for a 1000w.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i agree that 1 foot may be to close, especially if your ambient temperature is rediculous high and you are venting with room temp air. I have had no trouble with floranova bloom in the past. My last harvest finished with many extremely dark green leaves almost indicative of nitrogen toxicity. I highly recommend the floranova series.

potroast how do I tell if a pebble is suffuciently wet? If it appears damp then that is a'ok for roots?


Well-Known Member
still...try 1.5 feet at least. 1000 wats can be 2 feet away from plants and sitll provide significant lumenage. do u need a chart 2 prove it?


Well-Known Member
i have a 400mh that i can put on it to finish it off but everyone here will probably say im an idiot to stop a 1k and put up a 400 mh


Well-Known Member
well if it saves your plants who cares what fuckers say.

It ahs been recommended to me before that I point a fan at the 1' area you speak of.

...you could always cut a hole in your roof....lol...seriuosly thou I would go with teh 400 if burnination is unavoidable.


Well-Known Member
i think i have a lock out or not enough in the ppm so i just did the clear x and flushed with that now i am about to put the ppm to 1500 and see how they role and i switched the timer to only water the plants for 15min every three hours like the guy at the hydrostore told me to do?


Active Member
i have a rubbermaid container with a water pump running a little holes almost to the top i poked tiny holes for the water almost hit the net pot My question is how often i got to water the roots


Well-Known Member
Will someone help me out with my lighting question???? I need to know how tall to take my plants before kickin to flower, will the 250 watt hps be good enough for two 3 foot plants??? or what would be the max coverage??? thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
matt it will only begood enough for the top of the plant but if you can get cfls around the sides of the plant to help it out alot