HygroHybrid Theroy ????? HHT , LOL


Active Member
Ok maybe I am a little bit on the older generation stat sheet but when I just saw this " NEW " HHT indoor grow Tech .. I had to stop and almost piss myself laughing! No dis-respect meant to you personally " HYGROW " .. But whats exactly makes the difference between your method and the methods that have been in place since the early 70's with your form of growing ???? //Wait I can answer that , The Internet!!!! LOL. SMH ! BEHOLD! Training plants to grow horizontal rather vertical was mastered many many moons ago when growers did not have access to HID lighting ..therefor had to make best with the 4' flouo's that were available at the time. The hype and I do mean ": HYPE" that this cat made a breakthrough in cannabis growing to me is a personal INSULT to the the MANY growers that were using this method while he was still pissing in his pants ! Simply taking a OLD SCHOOL method that was forced on the growers of the time and implementing modern HID / LED lighting to the same exact method used for decades in my eyes does not entitle you for any credit what so ever other than the development of HID lighting, and unless you wish to take credit for that too I propose that this whole HHT method or HGHT .. wow and all the other names ..is Irreverent !!!!! I have NO PROBLEM with HyGrow making his name sake on the internet ... BUT..charging people for information that has been done years before this young man even knew what a seed was is absurder to me. I can remember being in my dad and uncles basement as a child performing " Super Copping " , "LST ", " Topping " , " Fim'ing" even before that was known to the public as a fuck up ..lol.. and training plants to grow to utilize the cheap ass florescent lighting we had no choice but to use at the time. So to make a long story short HYGROW you need too credit your elders for a tech you claim to have founded .. Silly young folks I own a few myself .. Unless you invented the Scrog net ..No need to reply ..SMH
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Well-Known Member
I used to kinda follow him on YT. Then he started charging money to watch his videos. Lol. That's what did it for me. I never liked dwc that much either.


Well-Known Member
Just saw them first time tonight ..I was like SERIOUS:Y ????? lol
He had some decent pointers and advice for beginners but to think he's breaking new ground is a little ridiculous. He did kind of push the whole keep it simple, you don't need a bunch of snake oil shit... Like I said good advice for noobs. Nothing ground breaking


New Member
It's not that anything he's doing is all that groundbreaking, it's just that most people pulling the weight that he does keep their methods to themselves, or at least don't provide one place that you can find such a heavily condensed source of that information. He gives beginners a baseline to work from that has the potential to save years of measuring and experimenting, and have some level of success from their first grow. I'd be more than willing to pay for pointers from someone who achieves results like his.