Hygrozyme... Someone Please Explain?

Can someone give me a description of the product Hygrozyme. I know it is supposedly cleans the growing medium and facilitates the breakdown of organic materials increasing the efficiency of nutrient uptake. Is that close?


Active Member
Basically it's a mixture of enzymes. I couldn't find a list of what enzymes on their website so it's hard to get more specific then a generic descriptions of what enzymes are and how they could be used in this context. Enzymes are proteins that act as a chemical catalyst. An example is how proteases helps our digestive system break down proteins. The manufacture claims that their enzymes act as a catalyst for certain unwanted organic matter (dead roots, etc.). A quick search of the forum will reveal that some users have had problems with enzyme products being associated with things like root rot. Other users claim fantastic results.

This thread will give you a good overview of what some users are saying about it.

I've never tried it so I can't comment personally.


Active Member
If your in hydro this stuff will literally turn brown roots PEARLY WHITE in a few days, i consider it a must for keeping healthy roots. I don't use it in soil with my organics though.