• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Hypothetical grow notes

too larry

Well-Known Member
I can't go on with these long ass strain names. From now on the Triangle Kush Cookies cross is Poly Shunk 1. I'll make a list when I dig down and find the labels {or look back on that Cultivar Gorille thread}. But the nest one {that was dusted with Poly Shunk 1 pollen} is Poly Shunk 2, and the last one {that was dusted with Af X Sh/Sk pollen} is Poly Shunk 3.

too larry

Well-Known Member
The plan was to check on the HG patches after I went to FP. But I visited with Sister and BIL too long. Did not get there are all. I went for a fruit picking and eating hike instead. Two kinds of pears and two kinds of grapes. And this may not be the spot for this, but I respect the hell out of the man who can save grapes until later. I kept eating my "to save" bunch. It didn't help that all I had in my pack to save them in was a little candy bag. {I did save a handful til this morning, so that was alright}

This morning I went to PP patches. Still four plants in PPS, one of which is an Ass Cheese. Not sure on the others. None of them are what you would call big, but all are flowering.

The termites killed one plant, and I killed a male in PP. These plants were the ones I had to plant early when all the excitement was going down. The rest of the males will be showing soon. I think there is 6 plants in PP.

Once again I could only find 1 plant in PPN. And it has been deer ate down pretty low. But with all my looking for the 2nd one, I did find 3-4 of the dug holes that I couldn't find when I was out there transplanting. All little pick me up, and they will be ready for my fall/winter round.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I spent most of the week hiking, so still haven't checked on patches this week. Will try this afternoon and tomorrow morning.

I need to get started on the fall/winter crop. The 5th is an OK above ground planting day, but it's really more for leafy veggies, and right up against the full moon. The next possible day is the 20th. It is right for peas and tomatoes, which is when I like to plant, but it is the same day as the new moon. I like to have at least one day of waxing before planting, but that will not be possible this month. Not sure how heavy I'm going to plant. I was gifted several strains that I would like to grow out, but not sure if I will be able to give them enough TLC. If the B&S X CP1 {in the HG patch} are still looking good, I might go heavy on them and the other Jack Carlos Cross crosses, with enough of the AC and GdR to make it interesting. It looks like I need to work with the hardy stuff for the time being. {who knew a little thing like 3 months of rain would make the Poly Shunks rot?}

too larry

Well-Known Member
Last Monday when I got to check on the FP patch, the Poly Shunk 1 had gone into meltdown. I chopped, and washed the savable bud in a weak H2O2 solution. Looks to be about an ounce that I was able to save. I did shell out a couple hundred seeds from the rotten part. The other two at that patch both had spots of rot, so it's a race now between the rot and the seeds getting ready.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Also on Monday I went to the HG patches. I killed and collected pollen from Powernap X Sinmint Cookies X GdR. Also killed and collected pollen from the late B&S X CP1. Both of the B&S X CP1 females were showing seeds already, so I'm just going to save it for fall/winter grow.

Did find one bud worm on biggest B&S X CP1.

too larry

Well-Known Member
In the HGw patch there is a Polly Shunk that is looking pretty good. It is the other Triangle Kush Cookies Shit/Skunk cross. Not the same as the one that melted down, but I can't remember the exact different at the moment. Buds are still young enough I can seed it if I decide to. I just need to get to it.

The last seedling I put out {Af X Sh/Sk} was a male. I killed it.

The deer ate plant is looking pretty good, for a knee high plant that is. Couldn't find the label in the pot, but it's in there somewhere. I'll figure it out later.

too larry

Well-Known Member
All the HG plants were doing well. Little Sister and Hurricane Head both are starting to fill out. The Rotten Stinking Bastard and whatever the one beside it is are just now starting to flower.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Sunday morning before the sun was up, I went to HGw and dusted the Poly Shunk 3 {the other Triangle Kush Cookies cross} with Powernap X Sinmint Cookies X GdR pollen. It is a little far into flowering, but I figure it will have time for the seeds to mature.

I didn't check on any of the other plants that morning.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Don't remember which day, but I did make it to the PP patches. The Heart Holiday Two got killed by termites. The buds were still green, just all the leaves had turned brown. I was able to save a little. Kind of hated that I didn't get to see one of these Bag Seed Testers get ripe, so I could judge it's merits. But the rest of them were in the STL patch that got found, so I assumed they were all gone. But last night I stayed at the camp and this morning I took a walk near where the patches had been. Son of a bitch if all three patches are not still there. The CP1's are head high in chest high cover, but the rest are shorter, between waist and chest high. Not sure if they missed them for real, or if it's bait for a trap. This means I will have some Heart Holiday Two seeds, assuming at least one of the five plants was a male. Will wait another month or so, then do a midnight creepy crawly harvest.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention I went to check on the FP patch. The Poly Shunk 3 had a spot or two of rot, so I had to cut it out. Seeds not quite ready. The Af X Shit/Skunk male was late to flower, so they are a week or two behind Poly Shunk 2 {which got Poly Shunk 1 pollen}

Poly Shunk 2 didn't have any rot, but the seeds were ready. So I took a couple three buds just to make sure I had some beans in the barn.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Sunday morning before the sun was up, I went to HGw and dusted the Poly Shunk 3 {the other Triangle Kush Cookies cross} with Powernap X Sinmint Cookies X GdR pollen. It is a little far into flowering, but I figure it will have time for the seeds to mature.

I didn't check on any of the other plants that morning.
I should have said Poly Shunk 4 here. The 3 ladies at the FP patch are 1, 2 & 3.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Late yesterday afternoon I got down to the FP patch. I took a few more buds off the PS2. More rot that had to be cut out on PS3. Seeds are growing, but not ready yet.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Last night at the camp I trimmed dried bud and did a smoke test on the SP2 and SP3. 2 has a heavy hashy taste on exhale. Seemed pretty heady, but what do I know? I did two one hitters of each, and I was high enough it was a challenge to get my shit together enough for my pear, grape and pear picking late night hike.

Also worked the SP1 buds and seeds. I'm getting the white seeds weeded out, and looks like I have 2-300 good looking seeds. Will be more as I break up the bud for smoking.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Checked on HG patches this morning. There was rot on everything but the smaller B&S X CP1, Triangle Kush Cookies cross and whatever the deer ate plant is. {it looks just like the TKC cross, with whiteish buds} I had to cut some off all the other plants. Little Sister and Hurricane Head FP were the worst. I went ahead and cut some of the main buds, even though they are at least a couple weeks from ripe.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I did a lot of chopping in the PPS patch this morning. This is the driest patch I have, and spots of rot were showing up. These plants are small, about an ounce or two per, and I struggle to get to it once a week, so if the rot had spread like it did in the FP patch, they would have been a total loss. Some of them were real close to being ready anyway.

I know I cut 2 Ass Cheese, one of which was seeded with {I will look back to make sure, but I think} Blue Shark X Blue Shiva pollen. Also had 1 Powernap X Sinmint Cookies X GdR. There was a couple more, but I'm not remembering them at the moment.

The only plant left in PPS is the one in the new hole, over to the SE of the Spring Crop holes. I hit it with AC pollen a couple three weeks ago, and there are seeds forming. I didn't dig down for the label.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I found two males in PP from the last round of transplants. I pulled up the CP1 Squared male, and set it near two CP1 Squared females.

The other male I left. I couldn't find a label, but it is in a plot with a female that looks to be about 3 weeks into flower. I didn't want to dig down and harm the roots. Will find the label when I harvest.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Went over to the JP patch to check on the lone HH there. This is where the 2 GdR's and the Peach were chopped by our friends, the LEOS. The plant looked good for not having food and water for six weeks. Buds were green, but all leaves were yellow or brown. No rot at all though. But it is really long walk for one plant, so I went ahead and chopped it too. Could have used a couple more weeks. I do plan to use this area for my fall/winter crop. Will stick to the bushes though, not out in the open like the ones that got found.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I have some names now. I chopped both PS2 & 3 and dug down to find the labels. PS2 is Skunk X Shit/Skunk, or Skunk Shunk. Really like the flavor of this one a lot. Should have 6-7 more seeds, so will be trying to IBL it this winter. I did make seeds from this one. Triangle Kush Cookies X Nightcap X Sinmint X Shit/Skunk X Skunk Shunk

Poly Shunk 3 is no Shunk at all. It is a Powernap X Sinmint Cookies X GdR. Hit it with Afganhi X Shit/Skunk pollen. Will have to change the name on my seed collection. Already got a few seeds in soil, so will need to remember to do new labels for them as well.