Hypothetically speaking, what would happen if...

Helllooo all,

Hypothetically speaking, what would happen if you had started a plant off indoors, growing it under something like a 400w MH, up to about 3 / 4 FT tall, ready to flower... then transplant the plant outside during early May?

To make this equation even funkier, due to the new outdoor position of this plant, it only recieves about 5 / 6 hours of sunlight. [ 11am- 5/6pm-ish]

What is to be expected from a situation like this?


Well-Known Member
I would expect a beautiful, big plant, drooping from the weight of all he buds come October.. But that's just me..:P

Naw, Sounds like you got a good jump start on the season, and if grown to term, you could have a beast on your hands. Love it right, and it will love you right back. You should be ok with the 5-6 hours of sun. Maybe not ideal, but it won't die or anything like that. GL!
Hahah thanks man, there's definately been worse news than that before.

Maybe a dumb question, and I admittedly didnt research this since it just came to mind, but do I have to feed it nutrient cycles and all that jazz since its now outdoors?

Can it get away with going all natural?


Well-Known Member
Your plant is gonna get huge which means its gonna need a major food source. If your not planting it in rich soil then your gonna have to feed for sure. You can go all natural though. Down to earth makes alot of cheap organic amendments. About 10$ a box. Good luck man and if that hypothetical plant is a fast growing sativa hybrid then you had better invest in a sturdy ladder!


Well-Known Member
Depends whats in the soil. If you use a good soil with some NPK already in it, you might be able to get away with it, but come Flower time they get pretty demanding. When I grow outside, I always use the same indoor cycle, but again that's just me..:)