Hyroot's Garden

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Well-Known Member
yes. But its dried for half a day. Then placed in the freezer for an hour or 2. Then microplaned over raw parchment. Then dried for another 5 -7 days at low temps. Below 55 degrees. Then shook up and sieved then jar'd up.

Or for hash I press frenchy tech. Fill bottle with boiling water. Place trichomes in a bag. Roll the bottle over the bag for 30 min - 1 hour. To press into hash. Ice wax gets a 2 week cure minimum. Hash gets a 6 week cure minimum.

unpressed - ice wax / solventless wax

pressed - hash.

technically if its not pressed its not hash. Definition of hash is pressed resins.

wash in a machine, clean with a pump sprayer, microplane, properly dry, then cure
Gonna have to go do some more reading and eventually try out this method for the ice wax.


Well-Known Member
Sounds lovely. Notice one of the stems are purple; I had a chernobyl with purple stems, very similar structure. I always make cake or brownies with duff from vape and have also added in some full melt bubble. Never laughed so hard in my life, kids thought daddy was funny and wife thought I may have been going crazy :)
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