I <3 Trichromes Thread


Well-Known Member
Just watching them develop is a treat. I could sit around with a magnifying glass and stare through a forest of them all day long!

That's the current shot of the little 3" plant. Hand-rigged shot using a hand magnifying lens pressed up against the front of the aperture to act as a macro.

And yes, I see the bugs. It's already been dealt with. Garlic extract and nicotine mixed into a spray. Stinks, but it works!



Well-Known Member
i think that it's pretty safe to say that everybody on this site loves trichomes.
is that a typo about your plant only being 3"? did you really mean 3'?


Well-Known Member
That's no joke! It is THREE INCHES, give or take an eighth.
nooo way. that's like a canna-chode.
i kindly request that you post a picture of your setup.
i'm not sure if you have a grow journal, but if you do i really don't feel like looking for it.


Well-Known Member
nooo way. that's like a canna-chode.
i kindly request that you post a picture of your setup.
i'm not sure if you have a grow journal, but if you do i really don't feel like looking for it.


Enjoy the pictures (warning: They're not attachments on that page so the page is image-intensive and may take time to load.) The current location of the plant is in a windowbox alongside a larger pot plant.

I love how people are like "NO WAI" to my three inch flowering plant almost the same way people didn't think I could get a pound per plant just using a 400w HPS (I loved proving them wrong!)


Well-Known Member
that might be a little bit taller than 3 inches, but i'm still impressed.
i think it would be possible to get a pound of one plant using a 400w HPS.
that's a little less than half a kilo. one light for one lamp and enough room to grow is a pretty good set up.