I accidentally cut a bit from the trunk!


I was lollipopping them and could not rip a lower branch with my fingers...so I used a cutter and I went a little bit too far...:wall:
Is that going to seriously affect the growing?
I used some tape to repair my mistake.
I hope everything will be fine ..
I'll upload photos soon :)


Well-Known Member
Macgyver would have used tape, a battery, some gum, and a piece of dental floss and taken out all the bad guys with that one plant :) there aint much you can do about it now huh?? You should be fine, or not, ya butcher! Just kidding, you should be fine, carefull next time lol :):):)
a pic would be better would be able to advise on better treatment if u have taken off a layer of bark/skin then dont worry too much it will heal just fine ,but if u have taken the bit that goes into the plant stem structure then sterile tape it, there is a remedy that u can apply to the damaged area that promotes regrowth of the bark and stem structure ,ull end up with summat that looks like a supercrop knuckle it does take time tho and is generally used on mothers but u can use it on anything ,i just cant remember what its called


Thanks a lot, guys! I didn't tape it all around...I don't want to strangle them. They scare me how fast they're growing...3-5 cm a day now. They're in the 2nd week of flowering and this is how they look like. 3 (1).jpg3 (2).jpg3 (3).jpg3 (4).jpg3 (5).jpg3 (6).jpg3 (7).jpg3 (8).jpg3 (9).jpg3 (10).jpg

The Growery

Active Member
plants look great. like other said, use a stake and tie the branch to the stake only to support the break. It will grow a knuckle there and be fine. people break the main stem on purpose for this very reason and thus you have nothing to worry about.


Well-Known Member
The fact that you called it a trunk rather than a main stem suggests to me that there is nothing to worry about.


Active Member
I was lollipopping them and could not rip a lower branch with my fingers...so I used a cutter and I went a little bit too far...:wall:
Is that going to seriously affect the growing?
I used some tape to repair my mistake.
I hope everything will be fine ..
I'll upload photos soon :)
After revegging my last girl, she developed two big ass branches. One day, I was adjusting a light and it fell on one of the branches and cracked it almost completely off. Both branches were about the size of my thumb. Since there was a bit of bark left intact, all I had to do was pull it back upright and lash it to the good branch with a piece of hemp. She produced and I couldn't tell which side was injured in the end. I think you'll be fine.