I Am A Salesman ...


New Member
I Am A Salesman

I am proud to be a salesman because more than any other man, I and millions of others like me, built a better world.
The man who builds a better mousetrap - or a better anything - would starve to death if he waited for people to beat a pathway to his door. Regardless of how good, or how needed, the product or service might be, it has to be sold.
“Eli Whitney was laughed at when he showed his cotton gin. Edison had to install his electric light free of charge in an office building before anyone would even look at it. The first sewing machine was smashed to pieces by a Boston mob. , People scoffed at the idea of railroads. They thought that even travelling thirty miles an hour would stop the circulation of the blood! McCormick strived for fourteen years to get people to use his reaper. Westinghouse was considered a fool for stating that he could stop a train with wind. Morse had to plead before ten Congresses before they would even look at his telegraph.
The public didn’t go around demanding these things; they had to be sold!
They needed thousands of salesmen, trailblazers, pioneers, people who could persuade with the same effectiveness as the inventor could invent. Salesmen took these inventions, sold the public on what these products could do, taught customers how to use them, and then taught businessmen how to make a profit from them.”
As a salesman I’ve done more to the world what it is today than any other person you know. I was just as vital in your great-great grandfather’s day as I am in yours, and I’ll be just as vital in your great-great-grandson’s day. I have educated more people; created more jobs; taken more drudgery from the labourer’s work; given more profits to businessmen; and have given more people a fuller and richer life than anyone in history.
I’ve dragged prices down, pushed quality up, and made it possible for you to enjoy the comforts and luxuries of cars, radios, electric refrigerators, televisions, and double glazed homes and buildings. I've healed the sick, given security to the aged, and put thousands of young men and women through college. I’ve made it possible for inventors to invent, for factories to hum, and for ships to sail the seven seas.
How much money you find in your pay envelope next week, and whether in the future you will enjoy the luxuries of pre-fabricated homes, stratospheric flying airplanes, and a new world of jet propulsion and atomic power, depends on me. The loaf of bread that you bought today was on a baker’s shelf because I made sure that a farmer’s wheat got to a mill, that the mill made the wheat into flour, and that the flour was delivered to your baker.
Without me the wheels of industry would come to a grinding halt.
And with that, jobs, marriages, politics, and freedom of thought would be a thing of the past. I AM A SALESMAN and I’m both proud and grateful that as such I serve my family, my fellow man, and my country.



Well-Known Member
cool story...I remember we always used to say....wow that guy could sell a refridgerator to an Eskimo! thanks for sharing that!


Well-Known Member
I Am A Salesman
I am proud to be a salesman because more than any other man, I and millions of others like me, built a better world.
The man who builds a better mousetrap - or a better anything - would starve to death if he waited for people to beat a pathway to his door. Regardless of how good, or how needed, the product or service might be, it has to be sold.
“Eli Whitney was laughed at when he showed his cotton gin. Edison had to install his electric light free of charge in an office building before anyone would even look at it. The first sewing machine was smashed to pieces by a Boston mob. , People scoffed at the idea of railroads. They thought that even travelling thirty miles an hour would stop the circulation of the blood! McCormick strived for fourteen years to get people to use his reaper. Westinghouse was considered a fool for stating that he could stop a train with wind. Morse had to plead before ten Congresses before they would even look at his telegraph.
The public didn’t go around demanding these things; they had to be sold!
They needed thousands of salesmen, trailblazers, pioneers, people who could persuade with the same effectiveness as the inventor could invent. Salesmen took these inventions, sold the public on what these products could do, taught customers how to use them, and then taught businessmen how to make a profit from them.”
As a salesman I’ve done more to the world what it is today than any other person you know. I was just as vital in your great-great grandfather’s day as I am in yours, and I’ll be just as vital in your great-great-grandson’s day. I have educated more people; created more jobs; taken more drudgery from the labourer’s work; given more profits to businessmen; and have given more people a fuller and richer life than anyone in history.
I’ve dragged prices down, pushed quality up, and made it possible for you to enjoy the comforts and luxuries of cars, radios, electric refrigerators, televisions, and double glazed homes and buildings. I've healed the sick, given security to the aged, and put thousands of young men and women through college. I’ve made it possible for inventors to invent, for factories to hum, and for ships to sail the seven seas.
How much money you find in your pay envelope next week, and whether in the future you will enjoy the luxuries of pre-fabricated homes, stratospheric flying airplanes, and a new world of jet propulsion and atomic power, depends on me. The loaf of bread that you bought today was on a baker’s shelf because I made sure that a farmer’s wheat got to a mill, that the mill made the wheat into flour, and that the flour was delivered to your baker.
Without me the wheels of industry would come to a grinding halt.
And with that, jobs, marriages, politics, and freedom of thought would be a thing of the past. I AM A SALESMAN and I’m both proud and grateful that as such I serve my family, my fellow man, and my country.
Thank you VI! Never has such a hated profession been so eloquently put into simple words. I will be printing this and handing it off to my sales team!


Well-Known Member
hey Dankie...thats a very cool idea....give them something to help with perspective - good plan.


Well-Known Member
hey Dankie...thats a very cool idea....give them something to help with perspective - good plan.
It is hard being a salesperson. Most salespeople partied while the people they sell to went to school.

Our friends customers and family, all think we could have had better lives if we had applied ourselves.

I hope if anything it gives them some much deserved pride!


Well-Known Member
the only things that are important are (1) find your passion (whatever that is and for everyone, it is different) and (2) always do your best. I think you were saying that in some way - apply yourself. thats really all it is. if you/anyone can master that....happiness is inherently achieved - that does not mean there are not bumps and deviations in the course - but with a passion and doing it well - a sense of accomplishment becomes the norm. My grandfather taught me that one...a long time ago.....its taken me a while to apply it....but I might actually be getting there...finally. :mrgreen:

It is hard being a salesperson. Most salespeople partied while the people they sell to went to school.

Our friends customers and family, all think we could have had better lives if we had applied ourselves.

I hope if anything it gives them some much deserved pride!


New Member
the only things that are important are (1) find your passion (whatever that is and for everyone, it is different) and (2) always do your best. I think you were saying that in some way - apply yourself. thats really all it is. if you/anyone can master that....happiness is inherently achieved - that does not mean there are not bumps and deviations in the course - but with a passion and doing it well - a sense of accomplishment becomes the norm. My grandfather taught me that one...a long time ago.....its taken me a while to apply it....but I might actually be getting there...finally. :mrgreen:
Salesmen are the motor that drives capitalism, the most evil concept on the planet. Bring back the barter system, where a fair trade is worked out. We don't need no stinkin salesmen selling their wares. If you want to buy something ask someone that has that item if they would sell or trade it to you. Insurance salesmen are the absolute worst, next are real estate salesmen, then used car salesmen. you see them hanging out on the lot like vultures waiting to pounce. They contribute not to production, just take a cut of the product to suit their greedy ways.~LOL JMO. As for the insurance business as a whole, it is a criminal enterprise. Why do you think that governator of NY is getting illegals drivers liscences? So they can buy car insurance you silly wabbit. I wonder how much the insurance lobby has promised him. As for real estate salesmen, well that is pretty evident with all the people now losing their homes, it was a scam that finally melted down and the salesmen will make out on both ends, absolute scumbags.


Well-Known Member
capitalism, the most evil concept on the planet..
the very fact that you believe this nonsense speaks for itself....this is what animates your puerile posts...haha hardy haha...yea, Marx performed wonders with his miraculous system of faith in the workers....hardy haha


Well-Known Member
Salesmen are the motor that drives capitalism, the most evil concept on the planet. Bring back the barter system, where a fair trade is worked out. We don't need no stinkin salesmen selling their wares. If you want to buy something ask someone that has that item if they would sell or trade it to you. Insurance salesmen are the absolute worst, next are real estate salesmen, then used car salesmen. you see them hanging out on the lot like vultures waiting to pounce. They contribute not to production, just take a cut of the product to suit their greedy ways.~LOL JMO. As for the insurance business as a whole, it is a criminal enterprise. Why do you think that governator of NY is getting illegals drivers liscences? So they can buy car insurance you silly wabbit. I wonder how much the insurance lobby has promised him. As for real estate salesmen, well that is pretty evident with all the people now losing their homes, it was a scam that finally melted down and the salesmen will make out on both ends, absolute scumbags.


Well-Known Member
if nothing else...we're selling our thoughts and ideas to those arounds us....selling and being a saleman involves a lot more than just the economic conotation. You want a job and a profession, or a vocation - you have to sell yourself to one degree or another. it is life to sell - the difference is the nature and extent of the sale. :blsmoke:

well said! :)

everyone is selling something, med. what are you selling and why?
great perspective, Vi!



New Member
Americans are conditioned to NOT like salespeople. I admit, there are a few who give the profession a bad name, but for the most part, salesmen are hard working people who work long hours, face endless rejection, and yet ... they keep coming back up with a smile on their faces to prospect the next day.

I've spent the past 41 years in commissioned sales, and I'm damned good at it too. The reason I've survived is that I NEVER do anything that is not to the advantage of my prospect or customer. I don't lie. I don't cheat. I sleep easy ... and I don't have to have a good memory. My clients like me ... and I like them. I'd say, based upon my experience, that only about 1% of the working population could be a successful salesperson. The rejection alone causes more people to fail in sales than anything else. Lack of self disipline is the other main factor why people fail in sales.

One of the beauties of working as an independent salesperson is that I can choose whom I want to do business with and whom I do not. Every great once in awhile I run across a negative, bigoted, insulting, impossible, miserable, ham-fisted oaf of a man who looks down his nose at sales people, and considers them all to be sleazy cheats who don't earn their money. In those cases, I just turn around and walk away. I don't need his business nor do I even want it. There just is no reason to expend valuable energy on someone who has their mind slammed shut.

Hey Med ... the next time you want to sell or buy property, don't use a Realtor, represent yourself. When you sell your house to a sharp attorney with the mindset of John Edwards, and you forget to disclose one itty, bitty item ... enjoy the lawsuit that ensues. This exact thing happened to a long time friend of mine. He insisted upon selling his house "by owner" even after I offered him a drastic cut in commissions. He ended up in a law suit and not only lost all the equity in his home, he had to kick in $150,000 to boot.



New Member
Hey Med ... the next time you want to sell or buy property, don't use a Realtor, represent yourself. When you sell your house to a sharp attorney with the mindset of John Edwards, and you forget to disclose one itty, bitty item ... enjoy the lawsuit that ensues. This exact thing happened to a long time friend of mine. He insisted upon selling his house "by owner" even after I offered him a drastic cut in commissions. He ended up in a law suit and not only lost all the equity in his home, he had to kick in $150,000 to boot.
Sit by the phone, I'll be sure to call when I go to sell. NOT. I have experienced the soft sell salesmen occaisionally, But generally it is the greedy prick in your face asshole that comes to mind when the word salesman comes up. Hey, not all carpenters or mechanics are saints and that is basically the types I hung with, I have gone drinking with salesmen and listened to them brag about how smart they were and how dumb the "Mark" was, so don't go getting all self righteous about how all salesmen are just doing society a service, they are first and foremost putting the cash in their pockets at the expense of Joe public, and could care less if Joe got a good deal. In fact the better deal Joe gets, the less they make. Most salesmen that I have known, are careless greedy pricks, that drink in excess and are generally a burden to society and do not produce any end product but rely on hot air to skim a commission off of a piece of merchandise thereby raising the price. And this is giving them the benefit of the doubt,~LOL~.


New Member
hah, i make tacos and salads all day.
And the reason you're able to do that is because a salesman sold the corn, flour, oil, tomatoes, lettuce, cheese and hot sauce before you arrived at work. Then, there are the folks who work "out front" who sell the bejezzes out of the product. Thank God for those salesmen who keep you in work.

As for you Med ... If you hang out in bars with those "salesmen" who drink too much, I have just one thing to say: The reason movie theaters have matinees is so depressed, and ineffective salespeople have a place to go in the afternoon. The rest of us are pounding on doors looking for business. ~lol~

And by the way, Med ... it's raining here today (Sunday), and I'm waiting for my partner to arrive so we can go door knocking. Yeppers ... even in the rain.



New Member
And the reason you're able to do that is because a salesman sold the corn, flour, oil, tomatoes, lettuce, cheese and hot sauce before you arrived at work. Then, there are the folks who work "out front" who sell the bejezzes out of the product. Thank God for those salesmen who keep you in work.

As for you Med ... If you hang out in bars with those "salesmen" who drink too much, I have just one thing to say: The reason movie theaters have matinees is so depressed, and ineffective salespeople have a place to go in the afternoon. The rest of us are pounding on doors looking for business. ~lol~

And by the way, Med ... it's raining here today (Sunday), and I'm waiting for my partner to arrive so we can go door knocking. Yeppers ... even in the rain.

, Wow it must be gettin tough out there if even you have to go knocking doors to survive,~LOL~. BTW, are you strapped.


New Member
, Wow it must be gettin tough out there if even you have to go knocking doors to survive,~LOL~. BTW, are you strapped.
Med ... I make my living knocking on doors and making telephone calls. Knocking on doors is nothing new for me at all. Honestly, I bet I've knocked on over a million doors over the years. While business is tougher to get these days, the basics of selling never change. All one has to do to be successful in sales is talk to 50 people a day, belly to belly, and explain your service. Now then, that entails approaching thousands of STRANGERS a year in an effort to convince them to do business with you. That means facing a ton of rejection, and listening to rude, idiotic, bigoted assholes, who have no clue that sales people are people too. Remember that the next time you feel like slamming the door in the face of a salesman, or telling them to fuck off on the telephone.

And I hate to disappoint you ... but no, I'm not strapped.


Nothing Has Changed

Active Member
Med ... I make my living knocking on doors and making telephone calls. Knocking on doors is nothing new for me at all. Honestly, I bet I've knocked on over a million doors over the years. While business is tougher to get these days, the basics of selling never change. All one has to do to be successful in sales it talk to 50 people a day, belly to belly, and explain your service. Now then, that entails approaching thousands of STRANGERS a year in an effort to convince them to do business with you. That means facing a ton of rejection, and listening to rude, idiotic, bigoted assholes, who have no clue that sales people are people too. Remember that the next time you feel like slamming the door in the face of a salesman, or telling them to fuck off on the telephone.

And I hate to disappoint you ... but no, I'm not strapped.

Shit, now I feel a tad bit guilty for giving the boot to the Mormons who came strolling by earlier. I take that back, fuck the Mormons. :joint::peace: