I am going to detox tomorrow...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm no expert on xannax, but I think a extended release 2mg in monrning and another around 6pm does me good... I do have a lot of anxiety, I have a stressful life with lot's a paranoia.

Mr. Shine

Well-Known Member
I am a alcoholic, when I drink which is the moment I wake up to the minute I pass I am drinking. I was having seizures due to withdrawing from whiskey. My life is a wreck because of alcohol. I am in constant depression because of my drinking. So I will MIA for about a week guys... wish me luck...
Blessings bro we's prayin foya G


bud bootlegger
I have to admit it's pretty hard, it's easy in detox, but once you're on your own, it's hard as a mutha fucker, but I will be alright. I guess I am going to take up drinking coffee for now
didn't they take all of your electronics when you went into detox or w/e it is you're in?

one time i had a 3 day old detox turd, so i asked the nurse for some m.o.m., holy hell, what a mistake that was.. my ass was glued to the seat for like 3 days straight.. :(


Well-Known Member
Benzo's create their own specific receptor site, you are better off on Alcohol than Benzo's. I don't think there are many worse substances than Benzo's.
2 bars a day will cause some horrendous w/d after 6 months- 1 year. Especially for one that already has previous addictions. Ouchies. Plus they lower inhibitions/judgement like alcohol, so if he's having a really bad day he's more likely to drink again. Then he's drinking and popping xanax. Double whammy.

I understand anxiety is a bitch though...