I bought some stuff a while ago...now it smells like RANK vinegar?!?!

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Bought some stuff off a guy in the street a while ago - not sure what it was...maybe oil or something (it was wrapped up in a little cellophane ball and it seemed to be liquid...)

Anyway, I stashed it away then a few months after I got it out...it was dark green and smelt like weed when i got it, but it had gone off and turned black and smelt slightly like rank vinegar...actually nothing like a vinegar smell, but thats the only way I can describe it...

...anyway, my stash tin STINKS off this rotting smell...

...any opinions of what it was and if I should/CAN clean the tin? :confused:

(it didn't leak...but the tin STINKS when I open it still a year or so later)


Well-Known Member
so you bought a bag of weed that you though was a ball of liquad at the time? why didnt you turn around right there and chuck it at the fuckers head and kick his ass?

Any way, are you saying your weed turned black? sounds like it got mouldy.

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
I dunno if it was liquid...SEEMED to be oil or something, I dunno it was wrapped in a cellophane ball and looked like mint sauce - either way it went black/bad so I chucked it


Well-Known Member
why does the sun shine. why do we die. noone can answer every question. but you cant tell me that statement about liquid weed wasnt retarded