I call it: The BillyBob scrOG.


Well-Known Member
very very soon. 2-3 weeks and its going to be insane. im about to go take night pics. lots more detail than the day pics. be back soon


Active Member
I was reading about this grow last night and it had me thinking. I'm not really sure if you've heard of this but through Advanced Nutrients this guy named Remo produces a bunch of little internet shows called "Urban Grower". On the show he suggests a method called "lollypopping" in which they veg the plants to 24 inches, cut off everything down to the main stalk on the lower half and trigger flowering. A tomato cage is used to support the branches which all become top colas. Have you heard of this and what do you think of it?


Well-Known Member
Fdd talked about this somewhere. But that's completely different from what Billybob's doing. Lookin' good btw Biily.


Active Member
I know it is completely different. But it is a similar concept. The point being that top buds get the best light thus are the best buds, so why not make every bud a top bud.


Well-Known Member
That's why I do SoG with clones. I flower at low heights, so I end up with budcicles. And by doing ScroG, you're essntially making every bud a top bud. It's getting the exact same light and the top bud would.


Well-Known Member
sublime is absolutely correct. in the scrog u train branches to open parts of the screen. as the growth tip grows along the screen new clonesites come off the branch straight up since the branch is at 180 degrees. i noticed in a scrog that little branches that should be tiny and shitty, turn into nice main growth tips. im estimated the screen to have over 200 tops. like sublime said every single bud becomes a top cola cause everything is getting intense light.


Well-Known Member
So does the screen actually encourage the plant to make more bud sites too?
It just allows to have all the budsites at the same level. So instead of having a fat main cola, then progressively smaller buds as you go down the plant, you end up with buds being all similar in size because they are receiving the same amount of light as the main colas would.


Well-Known Member
actually yes, ive noticed the screen actually did make the plants produce more heathly and vigorously growing budsites compared to normal growing. thanks 420.


Active Member
I understand the ideas behind a scrog grow but the area I'm going to grow in is just not right for it. That is why i am asking about lollypopping, because i am looking for similar results but i cannot put a screen in.


Well-Known Member
You should start a thread in newbe or indoor growing, the other thing is to look up top on the web page ( FAQ ) this has just about everything you will need. If you have other questions just post them.

Looking G R E E N :)