I came home today and...


Well-Known Member
that was certainly done by your light...overheated. or was your point the camera is broken...or is it fuzzy because of your tears?

captain canabiss

Active Member
if that black bucket is sitting in front of a window (as it appears to be)all day, what do you think will happen?1. the black bucket will absorb all the heat that is magnified by the window,2 then the soil gets hot,3 then the roots (even on small lost and hopeless little plants like this)are affected from sitting in hot mushy mucky soil. wrap something around bucket or lean cardboard against it to block sun.

Or did you just fuck up,


Well-Known Member
it's not water damage, it's heat stress. I think he tried to remedy with water, that's why it looks so wet.


Well-Known Member
Hes got another post in "indoor Growing" he was using regular house lights that wernt CFL's You need fluorescents man. Its not nute burn or lockout or over water'd he just dont want to listen and fucked his plant up


I remember that day...I'm sure by now you know whats happened so start again man, read up on the forums as well. There is a huge amount of knowledge here and most people will torch a newbie if he/she isn't doing their homework.