I Can't Breathe..I Can't Breathe..I Can't Breathe..I Can't Breathe..

oh, i guess you glossed over the passages i posted from "color of deception" by tim wise, a complete rebuttal to "color of crime" by jared taylor.

not my fault you are selectively illiterate, bignbushy.
No, I read your 3% of white people see a black person nonsense.

That implies a random nature to racial crime. Racial crime would have a motivation and therefore the victim is sought out. The opposite of random.

It's a bullshit, nonsensical desperate grasp at something.

Anyone with a brain could see through it.

Only someone with an agenda would support it
No, I read your 3% of white people see a black person nonsense.

you may have read it, but you sure as shit didn't comprehend it.

it's 3% of the people whites see on average are black. pretty simple to comprehend if your brain is not wrecked from heroin addiction.

That implies a random nature to racial crime. Racial crime would have a motivation and therefore the victim is sought out. The opposite of random.

It's a bullshit, nonsensical desperate grasp at something.

Anyone with a brain could see through it.

Only someone with an agenda would support it

the fact is that retarded racists like you and jared taylor are trying to convince people that blacks are racially motivated. wilksey says it all the fucking time, and he's a white supremacist like you, bignbushy.

if that were true, if blacks were racially motivated, you'd expect them to commit crimes against white people at a rate that exceeds random chance. but they don't. blacks commit crime against whites at a rate 12% less than random chance would dictate.

whites, however, commit crimes against blacks at a rate 50% higher than random chance would dictate.

it's very simple and all found in the plain old statistics.
why don't we see what rushton himself has to say, bignbushy?

“Whites have, on average, more neurons and cranial size than blacks… Blacks have an advantage in sport because they have narrower hips — but they have narrower hips because they have smaller brains.”
--J. Philippe Rushton, speaking at the 2000 American Renaissance conference

Although his training is unrelated to biology or genetics, Rushton has not hesitated to spread his controversial opinions far and wide, especially through his major published work, Race, Evolution and Behavior. His findings: black people have larger genitals, breasts and buttocks — characteristics that Rushton alleges have an inverse relationship to brain size and, thus, intelligence. Although the University of Western Ontario has always been careful to defend Rushton’s academic freedom, officials did reprimand him twice for carrying out research on human subjects in 1988 without required prior approval. In the first incident, Rushton surveyed first-year psychology students, asking questions about penis length, distance of ejaculation, and number of sex partners. In the second, he surveyed customers at a Toronto shopping mall, paying 50 white people, 50 black people and 50 Asians five dollars apiece to answer questions about their sexual habits.

you are dumber than most dumbasses, bignbushy.

He forgot the "springs" in their feet ... the brothers can jump really, really high.

Also, they are a colorful bunch, and tend to have an eye for "color", I wonder what causes that ...
Real Organic milk full of nutrients can only be given to you by a dairy farmer, it is illegal for anyone to sell it to you. Anything you legally purchase, whether its whole, skim, 1%, 2% has been processed.
Good luck with that.


is it non-pastuerized?

why would it be illegal?..like not being able to buy eggs from the lady with chickens down the street.
The video I saw of him yelling "I can't breath", the cop no longer had the choke hold on him. I think it was all the cops putting their body weight on him that stressed his heart. He didn't strangle, he had a heart attack.

"I will tell you something though, black men and boys are taught at a very early age, to make no sudden moves, keep your hands where they can be seen." Yet anyone watching "COPS" can tell you that isn't what happens much of the time.


watch it again.

when do you think you're gonna cash in on that insurance policy of your girlfriends?
Blah blah blah.

The cop killed someone for something that the IRS could've handled with a fine when that person hadn't even laid a finger on the cop.

Fuck him, lock him up with the people he put away.

Edit: It's still not about race tho, it's just a stupid pig being a stupid pig.
Blah blah blah.

The cop killed someone for something that the IRS could've handled with a fine when that person hadn't even laid a finger on the cop.

Fuck him, lock him up with the people he put away.

Edit: It's still not about race tho, it's just a stupid pig being a stupid pig.


how are you?
No longer on slowdown.

Just in time to start abusing Republicans for not having a clue as much as the Democrats.

The cycle of life continues :)

These central planners are different than those central planners but it's still "how can we make people do what we want".

If only there were some libertarians out there with the power to limit their own power and the balls to actually do it.

These central planners are different than those central planners but it's still "how can we make people do what we want".

If only there were some libertarians out there with the power to limit their own power and the balls to actually do it.


oh, you mean the more racist wing of the republican party. as opposed to the slightly less racist wing of the republican party.

These central planners are different than those central planners but it's still "how can we make people do what we want".

If only there were some libertarians out there with the power to limit their own power and the balls to actually do it.
You can have Jesus or gay-cake.

Not great options but what if you're personally interested in neither but support other people's right to eat gay-Jesus cake?
he is also careful not to say it's causal.

let's check to see what you white supremacist hero has to say about that...

"Blacks ... have narrower hips because they have smaller brains.”

that is a direct quote from ruhton assigning causality.

you have no idea how many lives you improved by flunking out of law school with a heroin problem. someone like you representing them in a court of law is a recipe for unmitigated failure.
let's check to see what you white supremacist hero has to say about that...

"Blacks ... have narrower hips because they have smaller brains.”

that is a direct quote from ruhton assigning causality.

you have no idea how many lives you improved by flunking out of law school with a heroin problem. someone like you representing them in a court of law is a recipe for unmitigated failure.
Oh, So it's law school now.

You're comparing one sentence to an entire life of work.

Every the I've seen or read of his goes overboard to make it known it's a correlation not cause.

Hip width and head size are probably causal though.
Oh, So it's law school now.

You're comparing one sentence to an entire life of work.

Every the I've seen or read of his goes overboard to make it known it's a correlation not cause.

Hip width and head size are probably causal though.
They're not as related as you'd think, a lot of babies born by C-Section due to them being oversized, and the woman's hips expand naturally a certain amount during labour to assist birthing.
They're not as related as you'd think, a lot of babies born by C-Section due to them being oversized, and the woman's hips expand naturally a certain amount during labour to assist birthing.
That's a modern technology.

I imagine a couple hundred years ago it results in death.
You know why it's called a "Caesarian" section, right?

A myth is that is how Cleopatra gave birth to Ceasers child.

I didn't mean cesarean section was more dangerous a couple centuries ago, although I'm sure it was.

I meant giving birth . Particularly in africa.