I Didnt Germinate My Seeds. Need Replies Asap


so I planted yesterday thinking germinating my seeds wasn't necessary or important but I have heard otherwise and am now worried my seeds won't sprout at all. I only planted yesterday and I don't see any signs of them growing yet, should I just take them out and germinate them then put them back in in a couple days??

also... what is the most effective (but very simple) way to germinate them? is putting them in bottled water in a cup and putting that in a dark place effective?


Active Member
I prefer to germinate, they can still pop up if you just toss them into dirt and wait but germinating them guarantees you planted something that might grow. I wrap them up in a wet paper towel and put it in a baggie and keep it in a warm place, they usually pop out in a few days, then transplant them into dirt with the root down.


I prefer to germinate, they can still pop up if you just toss them into dirt and wait but germinating them guarantees you planted something that might grow. I wrap them up in a wet paper towel and put it in a baggie and keep it in a warm place, they usually pop out in a few days, then transplant them into dirt with the root down.
okay but I already planted them yesterday, should I take them out and let them germinate or would that kill the embryo or something? I'd like to germinate them as long as it's safe for the seeds


Moderatrix of Journals
personally i'd just leave them be. it's been a day since you added water (<- ie. the catalyst that starts the process), each extra direct handling is just another potential stress.
germinating, imo, isn't all that necessary. i used to work with seeds and i've met a TON of first-timers who waited too long and upfucked the taproot during the transplanting process.


Well-Known Member
Its only been a day my man

theirs nothing wrong with direct seeding

its gonna take a few days for it to germ and break soil ,

Patience Patience Patience ,


I decided to take my chances and take out the seeds to germinate. I guess I just wanted to know if they'd grow or not so I didn't waste my time waiting. summer is only a few months long!

thanks for the help everyone


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy,

Your first thoughts were right on. I've grown tomatoes, broccoli, lettuce, carrots, and countless strains of cannabis. I never came across a plant that needs to be pre-germinated out side of soil.

Now if you have a bunch of seeds that are old or from a new seed bank then its nice to know your germination rate. This is a really the only reason to germinate before you sow.

When you have a small amount of delicate, rare, or very expensive seeds then you should direct sow because it is less stressful on the seedlings.


Well-Known Member
if u have them in soil DONT take them out.let them be,you will see signs in the next 24-48hrs.just remember to keep mistting the topsoil.or chuck clingwrap around the pot until they pop thru


if u have them in soil DONT take them out.let them be,you will see signs in the next 24-48hrs.just remember to keep mistting the topsoil.or chuck clingwrap around the pot until they pop thru
like put siran (don't know how to spell that) over the top of the cup? should I poke a few holes or something


Well-Known Member
If you have any willow tree's around your house I suggest making willow water and give them a little bit of that. I use willow water to water my seeds I plant straight in dirt and I get sprouts with in 24 hours usually. As for germinating, I don't like to germinate personally. I would rather just start off 6 tiny pots with a seed in each and wait a couple days. Then I don't have to worry about messing with the root.


Active Member
I just recently began my first grow with four auto seeds. I was planning to go the paper-towel route until I read the thread about how all that stuff is unnecessary. It just made sense to me that MJ seeds should not need any more rigamarole than any other type of seed; it is, after all, a weed, and it is possible to fuck it up if you mishandle it during germination. I decided to simply plant the seeds directly into soil and let nature take its course. I watered thoroughly before planting, planted 1/4-inch deep, covered pots with saran wrap and set them on a windowsill. Four days later three had popped and the fourth popped on day five. One-hundred percent germination without any of the methods supposedly required for germination. Of course, these were viable and feminized seeds. I could see going through the different germ methods for bag seeds or large projects, but I plan to do it this way every time until further notice.