I Early Voted..


Well-Known Member
Sell out.

Should have written in Bernie since he was your guy.

Holding your nose to vote for shit is why we keep getting shit for options.
Wow, you were Bernie's ambassador around here for a long ass time.

Traitor. I mean, it makes no difference to me, but for real you can't ever be on my team...
Hey, remember when I predicted you would vote for her after Bernie lost? Remember how you said that would NEVER happen? That was even before you knew she conspired with debbie "crazy eyed mop head" shultz and you still voted for her. You are a true liberal dem, without convictions or values and completely reliable as a stooge to the party.

Goddamn, I get tired of being right all the time.

All bets are off..Russia got involved.

If she and Trump were equally bad choices (and they are), she still has the experience over him plus she's female..but the most important thing is, she's the better one to represent the United States hands down.

Sanders was THE perfect choice and Trump as the republican version of what Sanders was trying to be..the DC outsider..is a mockery of that.
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desert dude

Well-Known Member
FBI reopened the investigation of the beast. Too late, you already voted, Sky. We all knew you were going to vote for Hillary. She's female! Whee!!

Maybe she can wear one of those tracking devices around her cankle in the white house. Assuming they can find one that fits.


Well-Known Member
All bets are off..Russia got involved.

If she and Trump were equally bad choices (and they are), she still has the experience over him plus she's female..but the most important thing is, she's the better one to represent the United States hands down.

Sanders was THE perfect choice and Trump as the republican version of what Sanders was trying to be..the DC outsider..is a mockery of that.
Lol, I bet you've completely justified that to yourself in your head.

the above only works when favors are owed and called; along with cronyism.

your forgetting one little thing: bernie owes no one.

and that, in and of itself, is why mr. sanders will become the 45th president of the united states.


Well-Known Member
But, on to the more important question, do you think law enforcement has an ankle tracker big enough to fit? Maybe one of those veterinary tracking collars they use for elephants would work?
yep, that's the rhetoric that will convince suburban women voters. body shame women. they love that shit.

as far as where to find something to fat around morbidly obese ankles, i know someone you can ask.



Well-Known Member
Reading comprehension problems are your own to fix. I had it down by third grade or so. Maybe have Jess decipher it for you?
so where did they say they were renewing the investigation?

all i could see them say was that they were assessing an email. maybe you learned how to read differently because you were taught by your klan chapter, george.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
yep, that's the rhetoric that will convince suburban women voters. body shame women. they love that shit.

as far as where to find something to fat around morbidly obese ankles, i know someone you can ask.
Yeah. War on women. That's the ticket.


Well-Known Member
before I changed my mind, I pulled the lever (shaded in the circle) for..H.i..lla..ry..it's still stuck on the lips.

I also voted for weed, against Rubio, against DWS, for allowance of solar (the right to use non-monopoly energy source), for extra homestead disabled persons, for disabled first responders tax credit, against half penny increase sales tax on 2 bills for infrastructure revamp train system and something else.

@UncleBuck can now rest easy..
I don't expect this to change the rhetoric. But will say that I'm pleasantly surprised. It's a close race in Florida and losing Florida practically ends any chance for Rump to win. What can I get for you to cheer you up? Flowers, maybe?


Well-Known Member
"Bernie or Bust!

"Will never vote for the oligarchs and status quo!"

"Time for the people to stand up and vote with their conscience"

"Sanders 2016"
Dude, quit while you are ahead. The real decision happens when the lever is pulled. Before that, it's all hypothetical.


Well-Known Member
FBI reopened the investigation of the beast. Too late, you already voted, Sky. We all knew you were going to vote for Hillary. She's female! Whee!!

Maybe she can wear one of those tracking devices around her cankle in the white house. Assuming they can find one that fits.
I wonder if you will carp when the decision comes back that nothing is there? Wing nuts have difficulty understanding that they don't understand.