I farted


Active Member
So Im trimming some plants the other day with my significant other who is a girl from Russia. After 3 years I still have trouble understanding her accent unless I'm paying attention.
I'm trimming the bottom of the plants while she's trimming the tops and the room was warm. She was gibber-jabbering about something but I wasn't really paying attention. I mean seriously, I was trying to concentrate woman! So suddenly she looks me right in the eye and says 'I farted' then walks away.
Needless to say, I jump up banging my head on the parabolic shade and say 'What the fuck, why would you do that right in my face in a hot growroom.
I'm half stunned from banging my head, waiting for what I know to be an evil smell wafting into my nostrils.
Innocently she looks at me and says 'What'?
So I repeat, ' You can't just fart in my face and walk away, what's wrong with you"?
She informs me that had I been listening to her, she was complaining about trimming too long and needing to pee. Apparently I muttered something about holding it in, to which she replied:
It's better now, I FOUGHT IT. As in, the urge to pee.



Well-Known Member
I've been with my girl for over 3 years now...If she stood up, looked me in the eye, and said "I farted" and then walked away, I'd laugh more than anything else...Around these parts, we call 'em 'California Barking Spiders', pretty common around these parts... ;)


Well-Known Member
WTF Pada, we're slacking in the 6k post range...We're in the presence of the juggernauts here...Where's Buck?


Well-Known Member
lol, it is called coqui around my house.
Coquí is the common name for several species of small frogs endemic to the island of Puerto Rico, onomatopoeically named for the loud sound males of two species make at night, the common coqui and the mountain coqui. The coquí is one of the most common frogs in the island of Puerto Rico.


Well-Known Member
this story is much better than the story that the other new dude advertised as a good story.

5 starred and rept.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
lol, it is called coqui around my house.
Coquí is the common name for several species of small frogs endemic to the island of Puerto Rico, onomatopoeically named for the loud sound males of two species make at night, the common coqui and the mountain coqui. The coquí is one of the most common frogs in the island of Puerto Rico.
we got them little bastards here too. they noisey as fuck....


Active Member
this story is much better than the story that the other new dude advertised as a good story.

5 starred and rept.
Not going to lie. I read that story and thought for sure I could top it! ;-) I'll save the real funny ones for another post. Not to mention the ridiculously dirty jokes :-P