I feel like I am way behind !!


Is there anybody else who just can't seem to stick their head out of the water? I had a shitty job a few months ago and thought I was making more money then I actually was. So I bought a contract phone, a truck, and a new 40 inch tv. After getting into a fight with my boss he fired me and I slowly started to lose everything first the tv, then I stopped paying for the phone. Now I am in dept so much I feel sick. I mean I owe my great grandmother over 2k for my truck and I don't even know of I will ever get to pay her back. I owe so many people money 100$ here 100$ there. Sometimes I go 3-4 days without eating because I simply can't afford to even get a 1$ cheese burger. I really want to get every thing paid and just stick my head out of the water for once!!!! Does anybody else have this problem. Ps: I do now have a job and I am not lazy it's just I can't seem to pull through.


Well-Known Member
Get 2 jobs, pay off those $100 debts, set up a payment schedule with grandmom and don't by another thing until all those debts are paid. Never get into a argument with your boss unless you have another job lined up, then you can tell him to fuck off. Live and learn. Peace


Well-Known Member
Is there anybody else who just can't seem to stick their head out of the water? I had a shitty job a few months ago and thought I was making more money then I actually was. So I bought a contract phone, a truck, and a new 40 inch tv. After getting into a fight with my boss he fired me and I slowly started to lose everything first the tv, then I stopped paying for the phone. Now I am in dept so much I feel sick. I mean I owe my great grandmother over 2k for my truck and I don't even know of I will ever get to pay her back. I owe so many people money 100$ here 100$ there. Sometimes I go 3-4 days without eating because I simply can't afford to even get a 1$ cheese burger. I really want to get every thing paid and just stick my head out of the water for once!!!! Does anybody else have this problem. Ps: I do now have a job and I am not lazy it's just I can't seem to pull through.
I think your problem is that you make bad decisions. One of which was admittedly having "a shitty job" with no job security, and then going on a shopping spree. Next, fighting with your boss instead of keeping your trap shut until you found another job. Last, you keep borrowing money when you obviously are in no condition to pay it back.

Get a second job. Job #1 pays for your current necessities and job #2 pays for your debts.


Hey thinks guy, some of the depts if I had not taken I would have starved. Like I said I went several days without eating a few times. Not trying to make excuses but when you consider going squairl hunting in the middle of a huge city because you're that hungry then you're pretty hungry lol. Thanks for the support guys. I am glad there was nothing harsh I was kinda expecting somebody to call me a piece of shit lol.


Well-Known Member
Hey thinks guy, some of the depts if I had not taken I would have starved. Like I said I went several days without eating a few times. Not trying to make excuses but when you consider going squairl hunting in the middle of a huge city because you're that hungry then you're pretty hungry lol. Thanks for the support guys. I am glad there was nothing harsh I was kinda expecting somebody to call me a piece of shit lol.
I'm not much better than you are, so I understand. Good luck though... Just don't stay in one place letting everything get worse. Just grab a spoon and start shoveling... Yea you'll be in deep shit for a while, but as long as you keep working on your problem, then eventually things will get better.

I have people who owe me money... I'd suggest that you at least give them something each month no matter how much it is... They may be upset that it isn't all of it, but it's still a sign of appreciation, respect, and that you're trying...


Well-Known Member
you could always go gay for pay on craigslist.
I am good on the Craigslist thing.

Brother, if I didn't feel bad for you, ^ would be my new sig.

I was a homeless, broke ass kid. Until I was debt free, I NEVER bought drugs or alcohol, and ate rice/beans. NO DATES, just taking matters into my own hands. I lived in my car and was happy to have it. Keep a positive attitude, and bust ass. Try to get a job that pays cash daily; delivery driver, waiter, some restaurants tip the bussers really well, AND you can eat for free. Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
The old "I want it now" mentality.

A roof over your head and a meal in your belly is always more important
then buying toys.

A good way to get a decent job is to find some new home construction
if there is any going on in your area. Walk on to sites and respectfully
as if they could use a hand.
It wont be easy like bussing dishes but you should learn skills that can be used
almost anywhere to make some money and you should also be getting paid a decent wage.

oquaw tanzin wan

New Member
I'll trade ya yours for mine any day bro. Easy part time restaurant jobs fed me through my 20's. Find food bank lists,done right you'll be the envy of any prepper. Hauling add on Cl might cover truck payment,double gas cost when bidding and show your abilities and drive for side work from customers. Sell the free stuff on Cl as well.Big ugly chicks with rich dads cover entertainment and quality eats and his gas card is a bonus. Apply for welfare, if denied keep letter and hit the charities. Panhandle for change it adds up. If a truck ain't working for you your working for it. That 2k could've got a beater and payed off a few c notes instead of delaying your eventual loss.


Brother, if I didn't feel bad for you, ^ would be my new sig.

I was a homeless, broke ass kid. Until I was debt free, I NEVER bought drugs or alcohol, and ate rice/beans. NO DATES, just taking matters into my own hands. I lived in my car and was happy to have it. Keep a positive attitude, and bust ass. Try to get a job that pays cash daily; delivery driver, waiter, some restaurants tip the bussers really well, AND you can eat for free. Best of luck.
Don't feel bad lol, it's my own fault for making stupid choices. I now have a decent job so I cen pick away at my dept.


I'll trade ya yours for mine any day bro. Easy part time restaurant jobs fed me through my 20's. Find food bank lists,done right you'll be the envy of any prepper. Hauling add on Cl might cover truck payment,double gas cost when bidding and show your abilities and drive for side work from customers. Sell the free stuff on Cl as well.Big ugly chicks with rich dads cover entertainment and quality eats and his gas card is a bonus. Apply for welfare, if denied keep letter and hit the charities. Panhandle for change it adds up. If a truck ain't working for you your working for it. That 2k could've got a beater and payed off a few c notes instead of delaying your eventual loss.
I did buy a beater with that 2k :) my trucks paid off so I know I won't lose that thank god :)


easiest mistake to make is over-leveraging yourself. I did and paid for it, still am paying for it. Live below your means is the best advice anyone can receive. Pay cash and avoid debt financing whenever possible.


New Member
I've lived in my car for over 6 months of the past 1.5 years. It's been tough. But I'm on a drilling rig in ND again, making 100k. talk about turn-arounds

Blunt Ed

I hear you, my life is getting more complicated and I can't hold down a job nor are there a lot of jobs out there right now that aren't laying people off already.


Well-Known Member
U may have to settle for two jobs. But while ur young u can do it. Once u get to be my age it becomes near impossible. Keep ur chin up things will turn around


Active Member
Mate, what you should take away from this thread is that you are not alone...Many, many people have been/are going through the same thing as you. I was at rock bottom once upon a time on the gear(heroin) and I was living in backpacker hotels in my own city because they were so cheap. I wasnt talking to my partner, my son, and my family...I was working as a bartender at the time and every shift my bosses would see me lugging around 3 travel suitcases thinking wtf is he doing. I told them my situation and they started giving me more shifts and hooking me up with food out the kitchen.

Anyways, shit has gotten better now. Im on a opiate program, talking to my family again and im even back living with my partner and son. I am unemployed right not but finished a course on plumbing to become a tradie. During my little downward spiral I knocked up $40,000 on fines from toll roads, traffic violations, court fees...Im still $25,000 in debt with no way of paying it back right now. Everytime I get stopped by police I always think that they are finally going to have an arrest warrant for unpaid fines. All in all man, just bust your ass to get what you want and it will come.

You need to be on level ground before you start buying all these toys that dont mean shit like your big screen tv, new cars and contract mobiles...