i found an eighth today!!!


Well-Known Member
i ran over it with my truck when i was parking ooops lol its compresed but hey i got free weed but it sucks i cant smoke it till i find a job


New Member
why cant u smoke it? id roll a gotty ;)

i never fucking find weed my boy found a 30 peac b4 in a park


Active Member
I once Zip all individually packaged. To bad it was some young punks trying to sell some ditch they found to their Jr High mates.


Well-Known Member
ive found plants b4...but never a bag. i guess its also werth noting that i NEVER took a single bud off a plant i found. thieves deserve death. period.

edit: but keeping a bag you found on the ground is fine...there aint no weed lost n found.


Well-Known Member
ive found plants b4...but never a bag. i guess its also werth noting that i NEVER took a single bud off a plant i found. thieves deserve death. period.

edit: but keeping a bag you found on the ground is fine...there aint no weed lost n found.
lol yep and its funny i found it in my drive way a day later after some fucken crack head smashed my side window in and stole my stereo


Well-Known Member
i ran over it with my truck when i was parking ooops lol its compresed but hey i got free weed but it sucks i cant smoke it till i find a job
Don't drug tests suck, I'm waiting for mine now another 4 days. I found weed once, about an eighth too. It dropped right in my lap. Was working in a refinery in the boiler, there where lots of guys working about 60 - 100ft above me. Someone must have been rolling or somethin n dropped it and I wasn't about to go around asking who lost some weed. Twas a nice surprise, needless to say me n a buddy lit it up right there. Turned my Pen flashlight into a handy dandy pipebongsmilie.....mmmm can't wait to smoke again!


Well-Known Member
Don't drug tests suck, I'm waiting for mine now another 4 days. I found weed once, about an eighth too. It dropped right in my lap. Was working in a refinery in the boiler, there where lots of guys working about 60 - 100ft above me. Someone must have been rolling or somethin n dropped it and I wasn't about to go around asking who lost some weed. Twas a nice surprise, needless to say me n a buddy lit it up right there. Turned my Pen flashlight into a handy dandy pipebongsmilie.....mmmm can't wait to smoke again!
yeah i feel ya man its been over 6 months since ive smoked i just got out of rehab to but you know what ive never been in trouble high lol why quit


Well-Known Member
yeah i feel ya man its been over 6 months since ive smoked i just got out of rehab to but you know what ive never been in trouble high lol why quit
6 months, I couldn't imagine, it's only been 23 days for me and it seems like a lifetime. I only do the natural though, weed/hash/shrooms. As long as u stay natural your good. Not to say I haven't done a few lines here n there but I never buy, once i start i know there'd be trouble. Best of luck to ya bud!


New Member
well listen up i got a way how to pass a drug test my boy did it for the past 9 months he had probation

ima try to explain this good im still high ;) so about 1 houre b4 the drug test u pop a pill that makes ur piss YELLOW u get the pills from a pharmacy. Ask a worker there or w/e if u dont find it then u drink ass much water as u can 2-3 bottles is good and then when u start pissing when ur in the middle of ur piss u piss into the container and fill it up make sure when u piss what u piss into the container is in ur middle part of ur pissing time. know what i mean?lol and it comes out NEGETIVE :)

my boy just passed his 8th drug test today. HE EVEN SAID IT HIM SELF HE DOSENT KNOW HOW HE ACTUALLY PASSES it but it works!! (thats humer)

and do this evry sing time u got the test u gota try it


Well-Known Member
I've failed before at 23 days clean n I drink water like a mutha fucka when i quit, like all day long. Plus all the drinks u can buy r shit now to because they test for the cleansing agents. I guess it also depends on how much you smoke but if it works for your buddy instead of buying pills he could just take a few vitamin C's before he goes that'll turn his piss yellow n maybe save him some cash


Well-Known Member
I only have to test for certain jobs, about 2-3 times a year at most, next time I'm going to use my wife's piss with a warming strip, she's clean and from what I've heard they don't test for gender just drugs. Also later this year their supposed to be switching to a swab test instead of a piss test. With this they swab the inside of your cheek, no not your ass lol. Marijuana only shows up 12 - 18hrs after depending on dosage, same as coke/meth whatever so it's a little more fair for us potheads.


Well-Known Member
That's news to me about a swab test for marijuana that actually might be valid for OTJ testing to see if you were under the influence at the time or within just hours... Didn't know they had such a thing.

Now they can take all that and shove it. I wish this was the land of the free and the home of the brave.

And I've found an eigth before too. Unfortunately it was at a time when I didn't need it and had all I wanted. I have found tons of almost empty baggies though in times of need. Ones with just enough to get high once if you collect the crumbs...

I swear you can walk around in the city and you'd be hard pressed to find a full city block that doesn't have at least one ziploc baggie on the ground with a particularly interesting green smell. It's everywhere and nowhere at the same time.


Well-Known Member
thanks bro i just went there for alchohal i crashed my jeep in a tree at 70 avoiding the cops cause i noticed there were folowing me lol i got busted with an open container minor under the influence and some other crap like not having a licence..i had a bag with me to but the cops down there in idaho are pretty cool lol i didnt even go to jail they just gave me a ride home with 5 misternmeaners i would of never thought they would do all this for a twenty year old yeah ive done some hard shit to i was a coke addict for two years and did meth once but i quit once i moved to missouri.


New Member
I've failed before at 23 days clean n I drink water like a mutha fucka when i quit, like all day long. Plus all the drinks u can buy r shit now to because they test for the cleansing agents. I guess it also depends on how much you smoke but if it works for your buddy instead of buying pills he could just take a few vitamin C's before he goes that'll turn his piss yellow n maybe save him some cash
well me and him and some other ppl blaze up pretty much evry single day and he passes it still


Well-Known Member
That's news to me about a swab test for marijuana that actually might be valid for OTJ testing to see if you were under the influence at the time or within just hours... Didn't know they had such a thing.

Now they can take all that and shove it. I wish this was the land of the free and the home of the brave.
It is the land of the free, CANADA BABY!:leaf::leaf::leaf:


New Member
thanks bro i just went there for alchohal i crashed my jeep in a tree at 70 avoiding the cops cause i noticed there were folowing me lol i got busted with an open container minor under the influence and some other crap like not having a licence..i had a bag with me to but the cops down there in idaho are pretty cool lol i didnt even go to jail they just gave me a ride home with 5 misternmeaners i would of never thought they would do all this for a twenty year old yeah ive done some hard shit to i was a coke addict for two years and did meth once but i quit once i moved to missouri.
wow luky u ;P

sigh i keep having on my mind i wana quit cigerats so bad but evry time i blaze up i just need a cigerate some where in my high time but weed i dont give a fuck if i got a chance to smoke a blunt i would in a heart beat lol


Well-Known Member
I only have to test for certain jobs, about 2-3 times a year at most, next time I'm going to use my wife's piss with a warming strip, she's clean and from what I've heard they don't test for gender just drugs. Also later this year their supposed to be switching to a swab test instead of a piss test. With this they swab the inside of your cheek, no not your ass lol. Marijuana only shows up 12 - 18hrs after depending on dosage, same as coke/meth whatever so it's a little more fair for us potheads.
Too bad there isn't a test that can give you the kind of resolution you get from a Breathalyzer - I.E. a test that can actually prove your sobriety level. Testing for THC metabolites is such bullshit because of how long it can stay in your system. A friend of mine got popped and part of his probie was piss tests - dude cold turkeyed and still pissed hot for over a month. He has been high all day every day since he was 18, that's some bullshit if you've been straight for a month and the test they use can make it out to look like you just lit up yesterday to the court.
Unless you're pissing for authorities just get the fake pee - testing facilities can not observe you pissing as it is a violation of your privacy rights and I can garauntee it works. Available at your local headshop or porno store that sells para.


Well-Known Member
thanks bro i just went there for alchohal i crashed my jeep in a tree at 70 avoiding the cops cause i noticed there were folowing me lol i got busted with an open container minor under the influence and some other crap like not having a licence..i had a bag with me to but the cops down there in idaho are pretty cool lol i didnt even go to jail they just gave me a ride home with 5 misternmeaners i would of never thought they would do all this for a twenty year old yeah ive done some hard shit to i was a coke addict for two years and did meth once but i quit once i moved to missouri.
You were lucky dude, must be nice cops lol. Seriously though stay away from that Meth man....it's only problems