I fucked up big time !!! Pics and i really need help!!


So im 36 days into 12/12 and about 5 days ago a power surge happened and fucked up my light timer and because my grow house is a bit far, i have the cycle going from 3pm - 3am so i can pass by and check up on them after work. SO THE LIGHTS HAVE BEEN ON CONSTANTLY FOR THE PAST 5 DAYS AND I JUST FOUND OUT TODAY.

And i was wondering what was happening to one of them. She started growing small stems out of the flowers!!! The other two dont look that different and i dont think they have been affected.
WHAT SHOULD I DO????IMG00254-20110407-1329.jpgIMG00256-20110407-1329.jpgIMG00253-20110407-1329.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like they all started to reveg. Best you can do is put them back on 12/12 and keep your fingers crossed that Mr. Hermi does not appear.


Well-Known Member
It looks to me like they are reverting to the veg stage, as far as I can tell. I would put them under 12/12 again and that should put the plant back into flowering. And check your plants daily from now on. :)


So i chopped off a couple of branches from each plant cuz im low on smokes....and i found SEEDS in all of them!

What the fuck went wrong? Could it have produced those seeds in the past 5 days??? Or did one of them turn hermie long time ago and i didnt notice????

Now i dont mind smoking this batch with seeds in them cuz i dont think i have any other choice right now....but my new 5 seedlings are in the room next door...will they be effected?? Any advice peeps?



So i chopped off a couple of branches from each plant cuz im low on smokes....and i found SEEDS in all of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What the fuck went wrong???? Could it have produced those seeds in the past 5 days??? Or did one of them turn hermie long time ago and i didnt notice????
Now i dont mind smoking this batch with seeds in them cuz i dont think i have any other choice right now....but my new 5 seedlings are in the room next door...will they be effected?? Any advice peeps?
if it was mine i'd harvest and be damned. They dont look short of thc

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
5 days doesn't seem to be enough time to have full blown seeds. I mean if they are very immature orr just starting to form then this might be the reason, but otherwise I would think the plants were pollinated sooner. It's a tough situation for sure, restarting would cost you a lot of time and proceeding might be a waste of it especially if the strain is hermie.


what would happen if i proceed.... wont they just have buds with seeds or will they be a total waste?

5 days doesn't seem to be enough time to have full blown seeds. I mean if they are very immature orr just starting to form then this might be the reason, but otherwise I would think the plants were pollinated sooner. It's a tough situation for sure, restarting would cost you a lot of time and proceeding might be a waste of it especially if the strain is hermie.