i fucked up on my light schedule


hey last night i was layin in bed waiting for 2:30am to come cause thats when i turn off my lights. so i fall asleep and i just woke up with the lights still on. they have been on for 25 hours now and i want to get back on my 18/6 light schedule. what should i do to get back on schedule? can i just leave the light on all day till 2:30am then just keep doin my schedule as normal?

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i'd use this as a blessing in disguise and change the light hours to suite mate with you still in veg you should be fine, try to turn your lights on at a time that suites you better than half 2 i say this because when you flip to 12/12 you don't want to be missing the lights off time mate


Well-Known Member
unless you want to save on power or your bulbs, theres no reason not to do 24/0 during veg state as far as i have seen. Not having a dark period in veg does nothing unnatural to the plant, and it will grow more with more light.


what light schedule do you suggest? im usually only home till about 11 in the morning then im home at like 12-2 at night i dont mind waking up early with an alarm cause i can always get back to bed easily. i also might be getting a job i have to wake work at 6:30 in the morning so what are your suggestions? im also home around 5-7pm. im thinking i can turn my lights on at 7 am, turn off at 1am for veg. and turn off at 7pm for flower. and if i do get this job i can easily put the light schedule back one hour. how does that sound?

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
the lighting schedule is up to you mate if i were in your shoes i'd veg 24/0 i had to this time because my grow isn't at home any more, with regards to flipping to 12/12 you need to make sure that whatever time you flip you stick to it or buy a timer if you can if your using hid lighting you'll need a contact timer they are a little pricey depending on what your running but their worth it, 12/12 is a very important time and you want to make sure the times stays the same, hope this helps mate if not you can pm me mate

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i think ill do 24/0 thanks for the help. but youre sure there is no downside?

+rep W Dragon
i haven't seen any down side mate if anything my node spacing is a little tighter, i was a little aprehensive about going 24/0 but after doing it i can't see a down side and defo wouldn't worry about doing it again in fact i'm gonna stick to 24/0 just for ease because they're not in the next room any more it's a bit of a headache driving back and forth just to check the lights have gone off to time, i check whilst their in 12/12 every other day whilst i'm their feeding etc so it's not really an inconvenience but everyday day at 2 diff times defo would be, like i said mate if your unsure of anything just pm me i'll do my best to help mate i'm no expert but seem to have the basics down and do ok
I always use 24/0 and from EXPERIENCE they always grow faster with 24/0 in veg. And dont worrie about a f up in the light schedual during vegging...no problem just be on top of it wen you 12/12 even then its not plant death if you leave the lights on 24hr accidentally, it just gives you a chance of a hermaphrodite. One thing i have learned over time is that weeds are way more resilient than we think they are and thats why there still not extinct after all these years of prohibition. Dont freak out over every little mishap, they will happen...and it will be just fine.
timers are only 15$ just make sure it has the wattage capacity you are running. It should say heavy duty timer. I thought the wattage ratings were bs and ran 1100 watts through a 800 watt timer and melted it off the wall NO BS!. Go to home depot or shit ass lowes for a good 1000 watt + capacity timer not wal-mart they dont have high capacity timers.


Active Member
a timer will set you back 20$. Invest in one. If you mess up the 12/12 light schedule, you will not be happy.

Like mentioned above, there are several discussions out there about the 24/0, 20/4 18/6 light schedules in veg. I've done 24/0 and 18/6. Does seem like giving them a time to recover (like our muscles) is beneficial, but 24/0 wont hurt them

But from what I know, you falling asleep and missing the turn off time during veg is not a big deal. Just adjust your time schedule so you dont induce a 12/12 and you should be fine.


yea mr. green thumb i was thinking i was maybe making it a hermie but thats good. and i also cant buy a timer on this first grow because i only have one light just connected to a junction box


Active Member
speaking of annoying light schedule mistakes.. when i switched my digital timers to 12/12, i forgot to do the other timer, which is one of those that you press down the tabs that equal to "ON" time -- this one only controlled (1) 1K hps.. but I just realized 3rd day into bloom it was still on the 18/6 schedule.. UGH1!! guess its not a huge deal - but damn frustrating nonetheless.