i got busted :(

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1 - Your lucky the big guy never found it and threw you and or your parents into the slammer and taken every thing away.
2 - That was very disrespectful for doing that but the good thing that you did is moved your plants.
3 - If your living with your parents and you want to grow. Grow out side so that their ass isn't on the line and if they get cought well that sucks but at least no one's ass is on the line.
4 - If your grow out side got noticed then you need to hide it better and make it smaller and spred out more


Active Member
The OP is a selfish shit for growing in his folk's house and he is a tit for misleadingly labelling a thread.

Getting told off by mummy and daddy is NOT getting busted.


Well-Known Member
At 17 I wouldnt be fucking with pot period lol much less growing it so topic creator is wrong for that. Hell I didnt take my first toke untill the day after high school graduation and Ive been toking ever since. I promised myself I would touch that stuff untill after I was 18. I pay for my 2 bedroom and bathroom even though i grow in my parents home its technically mine to so fuck that.
waiting till 18 to smoke? lol x1000. why? do you subscribe to the governments and media scare propaganda that it makes you stupid?


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that the parents (as usual) are getting off scot free for raising such an irresponsible, disrespectful, and arrogant child. They have some responsibilities here too. Especially since its obvious that as bad as what the kid did was, no lesson was learned at all. Where are the lesson teachers here? If they lost their house, maybe they deserved to. Shitty kid AND shitty parents!


Well-Known Member
I always get a kick when the self-righteous go off on others. So the kid grew a little bit of pot in his bedroom in a computer case of all things. LMAO@ the cops seizing there property, LMAO @ disrespect, etc.... Yet you all grow and probably illegally too. What about disrespect for you neighbors, state, country......why does respect stop at someone’s parents house? If he is old enough to smoke it, he is old enough to grow it. I would rather see kids grow it than see them buying it from the local slim ball drug dealers at the local high schools or getting from some gang banging neighborhood because they didn’t know where else to get it.
I think I love you

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
so i was doing a stealth grow in my pc case and was 2 weeks into flowering when today i came home to my house and my parents are sat in our front room with one of my plants infront of them.

i was gutted knowing how much money and time ive spent for it to be over and they weren't that pissed off just angry i did it in there house to which i appologised for and said ill change my ways (that was bullshit)

so i gathered my plants in my rucksack and went for a walk onto the moorland with my friend and we choose a remote place and planted them :)

do you guys think they will carry on flowering ?

to be honnest i think im just they didnt ring the 5-0



Well-Known Member
Yeesh. A lot of harsh words coming from people who themselves make mistakes on a daily basis.
The moral of the story kids, is:
1. Don't grow weed in your parents house without their consent. They could lose their home and their kids if the cops find out.
2. For the love of god don't post that news on RIU. Most of the people here are less than sympathetic and pretty judgmental even for growers and weed enthusiasts.
3. Don't disclose that you're under 18. It only adds "Delinquency of a Minor" to the list of charges.

Sucks that you got popped. Learn from this and keep moving on.


Well-Known Member
well this thread has gone on long enough, im not on either side, im just against the side of arguing over something that should be completely legal anyway, i mean in all reality it was like he was growing a fern in his parents house. anyway... im 18 and living with my mother because my father died of cancer about 6 months ago. I am growing weed here because i smoke it, as does my mom as did my father, we feel it is safer to be growing weed that we will smoke than to get it off the street like some of you have said. i dont really know what im trying to say other than that this thread really has just been a bunch of people bitching (on both sides.)


Well-Known Member
you got lucky.
when I was 15 I ran away from home and my dad called the cops.
well, he was a cop too, so when he found me he took me to jail himslef.
fucking bastard


New Member
waiting till 18 to smoke? lol x1000. why? do you subscribe to the governments and media scare propaganda that it makes you stupid?

I waited till a similar age and I grew up in Hawaii where the shit is EVERYWHERE!! Sometimes its a personal choise. I personally believe it is better to wait untill you are older to smoke. Its not terrible but I knew some real fucktards growing up and they were always stoned. Does not mean the weed did it but im sure it did not help..

No propaganda or gov studies, just the way I feel.


Active Member
I gotta get in on this...sorry.
As a teen...I grew two plants for independent studies as a "science project". One in a pot covered in plastic wrap and one not.
I was a truant, delinquent, stoner living in the Santa Cruz mountains.
At first my mom had no clue...but as the plants began to take shape she started dropping little comments.
So I took them into the nearby forest and made a daily trip to water them.
Then she knew for sure what I was up to. Of course, a deer came by and ate both my plants. Experiment Terminated.

Lesson Learned: Moms know EVERYTHING their kid is doing. I know this for a fact because I'm a mom! I always know what my kid is up to.
Forget the whole morality lecture...kids will be kids. And delinquent stoner kids want to grow weed just like delinquent farmboys want to push over sleeping cows.
So...if you are a kid living at home and you want to grow weed in your parent's house without them knowing:


Wait until you move out and you can grow all the weed you want.
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Legal, illegal, young , old, pot or ice cream....that is all beside the point. His parents did not want him to do something (we know this because he admitted a stealth grow) and he did it anyway. THAT is the point I was making. THAT is what is wrong.


New Member
well this thread has gone on long enough, im not on either side, im just against the side of arguing over something that should be completely legal anyway, i mean in all reality it was like he was growing a fern in his parents house. anyway... im 18 and living with my mother because my father died of cancer about 6 months ago. I am growing weed here because i smoke it, as does my mom as did my father, we feel it is safer to be growing weed that we will smoke than to get it off the street like some of you have said. i dont really know what im trying to say other than that this thread really has just been a bunch of people bitching (on both sides.)
Different situation. His parents did not want him growing. Your parents are cool with it. Apples to oranges.

And to the poster that said we all probablly grow illegally.. Im legal and so are alot of people on the site.


Well-Known Member
but dads dont seem to possess that 6th sense, lol. my mom knew i was growing right away, i told her. my dad was the one who had a problem with it but he never caught on till i fucked up (cut a dying leaf and had it fall and forgot to pick up). but moms do have that crazy power......ive seen it! believe!


Well-Known Member
Different situation. His parents did not want him growing. Your parents are cool with it. Apples to oranges.

And to the poster that said we all probablly grow illegally.. Im legal and so are alot of people on the site.
not according to the federal government.....
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