I gotta be more careful..(smell issue)

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
I was giving my small, 6 plant grow a check last night. On week 8 of flower for 4, Super Lemon Haze and 2 Cheese plants. Smell is not really that overpowering as I have carbon filters and the like keeping the indoor air scrubbed but...I made mistake of adjusting the containers as I have done through out the grow to get better light distribution. I guess I allowed one of the larger buds to touch my left arm. Went to my local pub and ordered a beer at the bar. Maybe 5 minutes later a guy to my left said "someone has some fire weed!" He even mentioned it to the bartender and they both laughed as he said " don't hide it..divide it." I laughed it off as cooly as I could and mentioned that I had smelled something strange when I first came in but couldn't put my finger on it. I went to the bathroom and took a whiff of my arm and of course it reeked of high-quality cannabis. At any rate, I was lucky that the guys that smelled it were cool, but unlucky that the first one that did broadcast it to the entire bar. To summize, I drank my Fat Tire, paid up and got the fuck out. I've been very careful in the past to check out my grow before showering for work in the a.m....hopefully I won't have to start wearing a hazmat suit.