I guess this is goodbye

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
Not really. Look to my coming on the first light of the fifth day, at dawn look to the east/I'll be back late Feb.

We're heading to the airport in a couple hours and as such I got to finish packing my life up. I just puffed down, for what will be the last time in a good while. I'm going to miss it. More so than that, I will surely miss most of you. I hope your lives stay well in my absence. I also hope to use this time of clarity to do some soul-searching. Life is good but yet there's seems to be an imbalance. You make the changes you want to see in the world, in yourself first. Much love and burn one for me.

Your brother

Later NARK! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I'm not leaving for 3 more months. I did pull the trigger on the international flights last night. Jan 22-Mar 1. Still need to figure out a hotel for a couple days in Shanghai then get the domestic tickets. Lots of planning and coordinating of times. Making my headspin.