I have a bug problem.....


Active Member
Hello I was just wondering? I have this white tiny bug, not a mite. its longer then a mite. eating the crap out of my leafs... anyone know what I can do?


Well-Known Member
I have read organic soapy water works well you just have to make sure you rinse or your buds will taste like soap,garlic extract, I have also heard lady bugs work great if you can get your hand on some lol


Well-Known Member
I agree w/ VGS.if you notice tiny black specks on top of the leaves they are thrips. They can also cause the leaves to twist and curl.


Active Member
Thanks guys thats what it is..... But the next thing is how would you get rid of them. I used light dish soap and boiled garlic and just used the water from it will this help get rid of them? or am I wasiting my time, I read this might work but any info would help.....


Maybe aphids? I used an concoction of cinnamon, lemon and cayenne pepper sprayed them on the leaves for 10 minutes and wiped them. Also topped soil with perlite and used mosquito dunks and haven't had any other issues with those little pests.