I have a few question about michigan MMJ laws and growing

Right and they'll charge me with what watering unauthorized plants it not like they'll be at my house ill just be stopping by and making sure the plants are okay. And even if it is illegal to water them it's not like they can prove it was me. You can atleast do me the favor and put up a decent arguments if you're going to reply

LMFAO You can at least do us the favor of not lying.

From your very first post:

have all the paperwork in his name but i grow the plants and do all that kinda work and we split the profits is there anything illegal with that plan?

You don't want to "just water every once in a while derpy" you fucking liar.

You specifically said you want to do the whole thing from start to finish by yourself but have everything in his name and then you "DERP SPLIT DA PROFITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!".

Everything about that is illegal.

Go ahead and lie to the lawyer like you are to us right now to try to make yourself look slightly better.


But you already outed yourself to us in your original post.

And again, lying your ass off will not help you out when the cops are putting you in the back of the squad car.

"But...but....my friend has da medical mj card!!!!"

And quit acting smart with smart ass replies when you're clearly an idiot.

"Can I borrow my friend's MMJ card?!"

Seriously how can that thought possibly go through your head and be "okay"?