I Have A Few Questions If Someone Has The Time

OK SO I HAVE TWO PLANTS IN ORGANIC ROOT SOIL ITS LOADED with good stuff worm castings bat guano and the list goes on they are both about three foot tall and today I just started a 12/ 12 cycle under a 250 watt hps now here is one of my questions I'm unsure of the sex yet now I'm not sure if there is anyway to tell if they are male not sure if there is anyway to tell if they are male or female before the new light cycle if there is or female before the new light cycle if there is please let me know secondly if they are female can I take a clone during the flowering stage also when and if I take this clone should it be from the main cola. last but not least a few of the leaves towards the top are beginning to roll themselves upward in a closing manner what could this be and is it a problem. if this cannot be diagnosed without pictures I will put them up. well thank you for your time and your interest. when and if I take this clone should it be from the main cola. last but not least a few of the leaves towards the top are beginning to roll themselves upward in a closing manner what could this be upward in a closing manner what could this be and is it a problem. if this cannot be diagnosed without pictures I will put them up. well thank you for your time and your interest.


Well-Known Member
Ok, pics always help. 1000 words and all... Firstly, how old are your plants? They will generally show sex at the nodes where new branches/stems form. Secondly yes you can clone, and I'd do it soon for quickest rooting. Go for branches at the bottom of the plant, ones that are four to twelve inches long. These root fastest. I'd need pics to say for sure, but how close is your light to the plant? That may be the curling, heat stress(sunburn). Hope this helps, I'll check back for pics.


Well-Known Member
Your plants need to show sex before you switch to 12/12. Otherwise they may stunt as to size and quality. Plants 3 foot tall have been showing sex for a while. Its up to you to sex them. There's a ton of info right here if you do a search on sexing plants. Look at the crotches where new leaves are growing out of the main stem at the second or third node (set of leaves) from the top. Should see a small pod emerging right at the stem. Hopefully you will see 2 wispy little hairs growing straight out of the top of the pod. The 2 hairs signify female.

Clones should be taken from a female when she still has 3-4 weeks of veg. time before you switch to 12/12. Giving up clones is the single most traumatic thing for a plant and they need some time to recuperate after. If you take clones now and give Mom another 4 weeks vegging she will be huge by harvest. Figure most strains will double in size during the 6-10 weeks of blooming at 12/12. I take clones when the mother plant is 18-24 inches, about 4 weeks after hitting the dirt.

Good luck, BigSteve.