I have a quick question! (pics)

Flowering cycle!? I just have one plant and I was wondering how long I should be "flowering" it for..lol. Hope that made sense.

Is there even an approximate amount of time...or "when it is ready, it's ready" sort of thing?

I am not even sure if this plant is growing right.It looks a bit unhealthy or something . Some input would be great.

This is one week doing the 12/ 12 cycle.

Thanks ahead of time.;-):leaf:



Well-Known Member
Flowering cycle!? I just have one plant and I was wondering how long I should be "flowering" it for..lol. Hope that made sense.

Is there even an approximate amount of time...or "when it is ready, it's ready" sort of thing?

I am not even sure if this plant is growing right.It looks a bit unhealthy or something . Some input would be great.

This is one week doing the 12/ 12 cycle.

Thanks ahead of time.;-):leaf:

Haven't harvested a plant yet.. but done a lot of research. Once your trichs are 50 % milky and 50% amber is usually a great time to harvest.

generaly depending on what strain you grow a plant finishes the "flowering" cycle in 8-11 weeks some sativas can go for 15 though.. so it just depends...


Well-Known Member
flower cycle length depends on strain usually 8-9 weeks minimum, longer for sativa strains
but, looks like you have mildew


Well-Known Member
Dude your plant has powdery mildew on it.Put 9oz. of water and 1oz. of milk in a spray bottle and spray the plant.Keep your humidity down.
Dude your plant has powdery mildew on it.Put 9oz. of water and 1oz. of milk in a spray bottle and spray the plant.Keep your humidity down.

Wow!!! Thank you for all the advice. I will due that ASAP. I knew something was wrong with it. Thanky ou for all the advice.

P.S. I am a young Dudette..lol.
Quit calling me dude..lol.:peace::wink:

PH. BTW. Should I spray the plant down with the mixture during the lights are on or just before I shut the lights off??

OK...so I sprayed it down. Now what? Do I just follow the same routine I have been following or do I do something else also??

I also heard that diluting hydrogen Peroxide may help...and that this is a common problem?!

Will the milk go sour on the leaves?? :?
It seems that the milk and water mixture really works. My plant looks better and it has not even been 24 hours yet.

Thanks, JoeCali:mrgreen:

I also noticed today that there is some tiny little clear white hairs growing. If I remember correctly that mean it is a female.

I tried to take some close ups but because my camera is not the greatest...I could not get every detail. It's too bad because it is beautiful to see.

Less Mildew:

Should I continue using the milk and water mixture or should it be fine now??

thanks ahead of time.