I have a stem I know won't produce a lot of bud.. can I clone it?

2013-10-11 19.28.01.jpg2013-10-11 19.28.22.jpg

So if you've followed any of my other threads, I am a new grower, this is my first plant and I started with CFL's and moved up to a 400 watt hps. Well now I'm 4 weeks into flowering, and I wish I had trimmed some of the bottom and cloned those, butttt... you learn as you go eh?

I've done ALOT of research on matters, and understand taking from a flowering plant will take longer to clone (as well as taking from a flowering plant may or may not stunt it a bit). So my idea is to take this stem I show in the pics, that long but small bud producing stem and cloning it when I'm about to start drying. What would be the master's steps to making this piece into a masterpiece?

BTW I love you guys on this forum, you have helped me through so much, I can't be happier with learning how to grow not only this, but many other things as well.


Look up monster cropping, it's a cloning technique that uses cuttings from plants in flowering, putting them back into veg where they grow a shitload of branches like a 'monster', then back to flower. You might find it of interest :D