I have a story I want to share


Well-Known Member
Hello guys :)
I'm smoking good buds and I'm in very good mood and I want to tell you story.
I use to be like soccer team manager and my team wasn't that strong so we went on a league with neighboring countries and one team manager that we will play against told me if you want to win wear your shoes the wrong way that's mean left on right and right on left and you will win I told him you speaking nonsense how flipping my shoes will make me win he told me you just go ahead and do it what harm you will get from it just try and see. So we went the next match against a team that was easy for us and we were sure about wining. But during the match they were attacking and was to dangoures for us and I feared that they will score so during the match we had a foul for us close to there goal and I said why don't I flip my shoes and I did then that foul turned to a goal and we win the game. Now that prophecy I was told came true so I told everybody. Then I went to the next game I was watching and waiting for the match to start then I noticed the team manager of the team we play against standing behind me I told him what you want he told me I'm watching your shoes if you try to flip I will take your shoes and throw in the green with the players


Well-Known Member
Denver weed
They have names I never heard of before but all very good this red hair child make me afraid when I hear police siren I go under the blanket



Well-Known Member
This guy who told me to flip the shoes believe in super natural I'm not sure this the right word. When we first met it was his team playing and I was smoking cigar he asked me for a cigar I gave him one he just starting to light it and his team scored a goal. Then we went the next game for his team then he asked me you remember at what time you gave me the cigar last match I answered no then he replied angrily WHY you have to remember I say why sorry I can not he told me sit down and squeez your mind till you remember so you give me cigar at the same time and we might score a goal


bud bootlegger
ok, so i just read this story, and i'm an amateur race car driver...
i had a race today i was a bit worried about, lots of top notch drivers in the race i was going to be in. so i said, wtf, why not try it? so, right before the race, i put my left shoe on my right foot, and my right shoe on my left... get up to the starting line, go to let the clutch out, and my damned foot slips off of the clutch and i smash right into the car in front of me, totalling my car in the process..
expect to hear from my lawyer m8...


Well-Known Member
I'm not talking about players and athletes I'm talking about fat guys who have something to do with sport but don't exercise :)