I have bugs in my growbox but not on my plants

I've been seeing one or two little spider mites fly out of my growbox when i open it occasionally and whenever i do I spray a mixture of soap and water on and under the leaves and around the growbox. Now I never see them on my plants but I don't really want bugs flying around in my box. How can I get them out of the box now that they aren't on the plants?


I've heard about the soap thing before, but the only other thing I've heard as a solution is putting a bunch of flypaper in your growbox. Maybe some around the rim of the container you are growing in, strategic places in the box, etc.


Well-Known Member
i seriously doubt what you see flying around are spider mites. they are so small and so hard to see unless you have a serious infestation. they are mites, they are crawlers not flyers. they don't even have wings.


Well-Known Member
flying spider mites?

wtf mebbe he lives in 3 mile island or close to chernobyl, lol

im thinking whiteflies/fungal gnats