I heard high temps stop growing, I disagree too


Active Member
I think temps from 90-100 f can survive and grow if u have no other option. Because sure plants may even stop growing if there too high of a temp.. but that doesn't mean they don't store energy and when you turn off the lights they will grow still... As long as they are a live.. Don't that make sense?


Active Member
Higher temps just requires more fresh air. That's all. Outdoor plants get the best ventilation in the world... the world!


Well-Known Member
plants can definitely adapt to horrible temperatures. open air helps to move a lot of this heat around. in toronto we have very stuupid temp fluctuations from day to day and heat spikes will slow growth quite a bit. some strains deal with this better than others, and to some it makes no difference at all. all in all, this summer has been one of the worst in a long time - week long heat spikes with temps as high as 45 C - and my plants had some trouble, but most are doing fine.



Well-Known Member
an actual outdoor plant that is in the ground will not suffer from extreme temperatures. the roots will never reach that temp, if it is in a pot and not in the ground it will slow growth a bunch.


Active Member
i had a family friend who used to grow in his backyard. it hits 120+ where he lives during the summer. the plants will grow just fine he kept a tarp over the top to reduce the direct sunlight (most important). then im sure silica would help in large amounts. all he would do is dig out a hole for each plant fill it with good dirt fert it every time the leaves would discolour. and spring it back to a bright green

thats all i know about this methods cept when the DEA broke down his door he had 99 plants. Due to weed growing naturally in cali nevada and arizona area (he lives in one of those states) he actually got off w/o jail time with a really good lawyer and no priors

ps. he used to get 1pound a plant of crap weed and sell that pound for 1k so he had 99k worth of pot in his backyard


Active Member
in nature 100* is only for 5-6 hours a day, usually from 12:00 t'ill 18:00. when you grow indoors you hit the plants with 100* for 18 or 24 hrs straight. so they stop growing and they become like paper.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
I think temps from 90-100 f can survive and grow if u have no other option. Because sure plants may even stop growing if there too high of a temp.. but that doesn't mean they don't store energy and when you turn off the lights they will grow still... As long as they are a live.. Don't that make sense?
They have a hard time finding extra energy to store during high temps. Takes alot of enery operating the guard cells controlling transpiration during high temps. Yes they can survive high temps but end yield and overall plant vigor will suffer......


Well-Known Member
---- if it is in a pot and not in the ground it will slow growth a bunch.

That's exactly the experience I had! I moved to the Inland Empire area in Southern California, sort of between Riverside and Palm Springs. Summers in this area are hot! Starting in mid Spring almost everyday is in the high 90's to the low 100's (that's f.). During the hottest part of Summer it's over a 100 almost everyday, up to about 114, 111 is common.

My first (and last) outdoor crop, out here, went from May 1st through harvest; around Halloween. Or maybe it was Thanksgiving - I didn't write down the exact date because the harvest was so pathetic! Anyway, the whole point is that after a long grow; out of 24 plants, 22 survived. And they were all only about 24-30 inches tall and most of that was put on before it got really hot. Yes, they stayed alive, they even looked healthy. They just wouldn't grow! High heat doesn't kill marijuana plants, it just really slows down the growing process!

I'm sure that some marijuana strains have become climatized to produce better in hotter environments. But the ideal weed is still grown under ideal conditions. Ill stick with 80° f., or less,every time!


Active Member
my grow spot runs 90-110 sometime latly it has due to high heat and there good got a co2 generater tho but there fine and been flowerin 4 weeks now


Well-Known Member
I would say its true, but only with the dominate strains we have here in n.america, but at the same times u can't say that they don't grow some sick herb all around the world like the south pacific in some intense heat. I mean I bet it get pretty damn hot where they grew the original thai-sticks at.


Active Member
for the past week my lights on and offwere 90 degrees plus
growth slowed a bit
mites increased a bit
the last 2 days were low 80s and high 70s
EXPLOSIVE growth more than making up for it
i kinda want to agree with the op

also the guy who said more mites rofl

mexican is dirt weed due to early harves, seeding, poor harvest and drying, and no curing - not temps


for the past week my lights on and offwere 90 degrees plus
growth slowed a bit
mites increased a bit
the last 2 days were low 80s and high 70s
EXPLOSIVE growth more than making up for it
i kinda want to agree with the op

also the guy who said more mites rofl

mexican is dirt weed due to early harves, seeding, poor harvest and drying, and no curing - not temps

It is all who you know not all dirt weed.... I have smoked alot of commercial grass here in Texas over the last 22yrs and you get the good and the bad, it will almost never be same quality as good homegrown but can be dam close as far as high and trash in the bag, you get seeds but so what if you get severe couch lock from it or a super cerebral high at 50$ an oz then you really can't compare as that batch is better value for your money than 120$ for a Qtr oz of some really pretty smelly KB of the same quality. It is like a lot of things and some people choose to be snobs me I like to smoke good grass that gets you fkd up and since I am able to get that via commercial means I choose to buy that when I run out of my own grow instead of helping someone else finance w/e it is they are in the game for just cause a few seeds might be in my bag and doesn't look as pretty cause its been handled or compressed. In the end it all turns to ash.


Well-Known Member
I would check those temperatures around the equator where MJ grows best. I dont think they are subjected to 100 degree temps as much as you seem to point towards. They can deal with higher outdoor temps because of several reasons including C02 and temps of the roots that dig deeper into the cool ground. They also plant the seeds earlier in the year and grows until later, so at most there is a month or two of hot temps. They have plenty of growth before and after peak temps.

In a grow room temps over 90 will stunt growth. Yes it will continue to grow but it isn't going to be ideal. Stunted growth and whispy buds are just two of the common problems with 90+ temps.