I just got slimed... unleashed a slime bomb


Active Member
Make your buckets light proof. Cover up that hydrotron which has gaps in it and letting light into your res!

phil k

Well-Known Member
hmm .. im not the guy that can speak on hydro outside of chemical lines i do however know that ANYTHING organic ran in a hydro system has a huge chance of issues from ph swings to stagnate chemicals... even shitty buildup issues.... but thats more for someone else to comment on i stopped hydro a long time ago...


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you got it sorted out. If I were you, I'd stick with the tea. As you know, it has many benefits over simply guarding against slime and rot: greater nutrient uptake and the ability to allow for slightly higher water temps (if your keeping the water DO high enough). I ran rdwc for the first few years, and Heis' tea saved my life back then. I do F&D now, so I run sterile with Zone with no problems. Good luck!