I just made the best Sandwitch. Pics


New Member
woooowww looking good brotha... isnt cheese and mayo suppost to be on the inside? your not going to rub it on ur balls are you?


Well-Known Member
lol. Naw man not going to rub it on my balls sorry.

Thats butter on the outside, To give it a nice toast when i throw it in the frying pan. I took the cheese out and placed it there so you could see the bacon and mushrooms.


Active Member
Dammit dammit dammit. I knew before I clicked it I would get hungry. The BCM Heartstopper looks like a beast . . . a buttery, chessey, meaty beast that should only be eaten in privacy. If there is anything that will cause a mouth orgasm, this would be it.


Well-Known Member
my wife made a HUGE meatloaf last night. she puts chunks of cheese in it. i bet i could make a grilled meatloaf. ;)


Ursus marijanus
My heart lurched just looking at that.
Then my stomach issued an override.
Going to slay the mighty Cheeseburger NOW.
must ... have ... pink ... slime ... cn