i know alot of you will love this


Well-Known Member
man, that music was annoying!

the idea of the cross being a symbol of evil is not new. you'll notice that many catholic cross symbols have a cross inside a circle, this is an ancient "pagan" symbol representing the 4 elements: earth, wind, fire and water. popes have fancy robes and other costumes with these things all over them. the actual crosses used in Roman crucification were shaped like a T, there's just tons of archaeological evidence about this. when Constantine created the universal church (aka catholic church) he threw all kinds of weird stuff in there, i guess he wanted to make something for everyone.

many Christians argue that a more pure symbol of the crucification is simply a nail or a crown of thorns because neither of these have pagan origins...

if you want to see some seriously weird symbolism look up the Israeli Supreme Court - funded entirely by the Rothschild's who were made perpetually wealthy by the centralization of European and American banks. the entire structure is a symbol.
